Monday, July 31, 2006

Algore's Movie Hyped by Convenient Lie

Algore's doomsday global warming movie An Inconvenient Truth has been hyped by the Liberal media since it opened in May. Entertainment Weekly dubbed Algore a star in a puff cover story titled "Changing the Climate: How Al Gore Tamed Hollywood." The junk-science apocalyptic flick even won a special award, a Liberal left prize for films that enrich society (according to Humanitas). With all this media hype, it is easy to believe that Algore's movie is a box office blockbuster. But the real inconvenient truth is that Gore's audience numbers have been inflated.

In Entertainment Weekly, Algore claimed that "almost 2 million people have seen the movie in theaters." He continued, "That's 2 million people whose minds may be changed by the film." In truth, the minds of these moviegoers are already made up - since a solid percentage of his moviegoers are actually Liberal activists. How do we know? Other Liberal media outlets (such as the Sierra Club) have been promoting ticket sales. The Albuquerque Tribune reported that the Sierra Club paid for more than 288,000 phone calls to homes with a recorded message from Gore urging people to see the movie.

"Hello, I'm Al Gore..." the recorded message begins. "The fight against global warming is not about right versus left - it's about right versus wrong. That's why the Sierra Club and I are asking you to see my film..." [insert mindless Liberal excrement here]. Obviously, these auto-dial phone numbers are pulled from Liberal political lists. Gore is also doing book signings and personal appearances to lure more Liberals into the theaters. And the Sierra Club has been packing in its own members. Imagine that - a wacko Liberal organization doing its best to inflate numbers! Like that's never happened before.

The Daily Local (Westchester, Pennsylvania) reports that the Chester County chapter of the Sierra Club dragged about 175 people to the theater for a movie night event. They've pumped up Algore's numbers like that all across the country. Consider this ad that appeared in the Washington Post (one of the most Liberal news machines in the nation): "You need to take your friends and family, and make them see it. It is not enough to be converted. Now is the time for you to convert others. This is our last, best chance..." I'm nauseated just reading this Liberal crap! "Convert" them? Make them see it? Yeah, that's the only way this Liberal crap is going to fly.

Sunday, July 30, 2006

Pop Culture Saturday: Celebrities Can Be Criminals, Too

Pop Culture Saturday is intended to be a more light-hearted look at American culture. There's much more going on in America than the darkness of Liberalism.

The mugshots of Glenn Campbell, James Brown and Nick Nolte are imprinted on my memory forever. It's unfortunate because there are so many other things that should fill the space. These mugshots make you wonder what happened to the hair stylist and makeup artist. And you can almost hear the arresting officer saying something like "If you settle down, you can make your phone call in just a minute!" But we flock to celebrity arrests like they are Interstate accidents. By contrast, Mel Gibson looks rather dapper in his mugshot.

As the star of Mad Max and Lethal Weapon series on the big screen, Mel Gibson must be doubly sorry about his arrest because the entire episode was captured on police video. Oops! To make matters worse, the acclaimed director and producer of Passion of the Christ launched into a tirade of anti-semitic epithets during the recorded episode. Oops again! He must be one of those angry drunks!

In a 2004 interview as his blockbuster movie premiered across the United States, Gibson admitted that he'd been "addicted to everything imaginable" in his lifetime. Apparently, the alcohol addiction is something that he hasn't quite kicked. While most people are ranting about his anti-semitic remarks, I'd like to rant about his preferential treatment. Driving under the influence should have landed him in jail. Do not pass Go! Do not collect $200! I would especially want Mel in jail because this is the third time he's been cited for a blood-alcohol level above the maximum. I drove 120 miles one-way in 1992 to appear in court and make sure one drunk driver saw the inside of a cell. I'd do it again in a heartbeat - even if it was Mel Gibson.

Are you as tired as I am of celebrities getting preferential treatment in our legal system? Oh yes, I'm sure O.J. is still looking for Nicole Simpson's murderer. Robert Blake did the crime, but is not doing the time (recall the Baretta theme?). Michael Jackson has found another neighborhood where he can exploit adolescent boys. These acts are heinous criminal acts. Fortunately, Mel was stopped before he killed someone with his car. But he made the conscious decision to drink and drive, and he should suffer the consequences.

Monday, July 24, 2006

Hezbollah Presence in United States Poses Serious Threat

While many Liberals (such as Hillary Rodham) are publicly supporting Israel's right to defend herself from terrorists, they are also selling the idea that religious fanatics in Lebanon are no threat to America. This Liberal propaganda is not only self-serving (Hillary does not want to be seen as anti-semitic), but also dishonors the more than 300 Americans who were killed or wounded in the 1983 bombing of the barracks in Beirut. What about the Hezbollah agents who sneak into the United States through Mexico?

On October 23, 1983, a delivery truck crashed through a barbed wire fence, passed by two sentry posts, crashed through another gate, and barreled into the lobby of the U.S. Marine headquarters. The suicide bomber detonated his explosives (equal to 12,000 pounds of TNT) and reduced the 4-story cinder block building to rubble - killing 241 American servicemen and injuring 60 others. Within minutes of this attack, another suicide bomber destroyed the French Infantry headquarters.

These two suicide bombers (Abu Mazen and Abu Sijaan) were identified as members of the Free Islamic Revolutionary Movement - otherwise known as Hezbollah. U.S. immigration policies make it easy for Hezbollah members to make it into the United States illegally. The DoD estimates there are 200,000 terrorists working inside the United States. These extremists are supported by Syria and Iran. And the proof has been provided by the recent missile attacks against Israel. The anti-ship cruise missiles (C-802 missiles) used last week were made in Iran. And the 220-millimeter rockets rained down on Haifa were made in Syria.

Why is it we don't hear the complete truth in the news reports? Do you think it's merely Liberal blindness? No, what we are experiencing is calculated manipulation by the Liberal wackos in an attempt to regain power in Washington. They are willingly selling our United States back to the terrorists! Robert Jordan and Don Philpott have written a book entitled Is America Safe - and we cannot allow ourselves to be caught without information. Don't be led to slaughter by Hillary Rodham and John Kerry! Islamo-facists are a worldwide problem ... and Hezbollah is just one of its militant organizations.

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Big Liberal Lie: Israeli Military is Going Overboard

Anyone who says that Israel ought to back off has no clue what is really going on in the Mideast! There are millions of people who have bought into the Liberal lies, my Conservative friend. I urge each of us to NOT follow the blindness of the Liberal wackos. Here is the boldface truth known throughout the free world: America must support and help to protect the people of Israel. As Syria, Iran, and Iraq attempt to shove the Israeli people off the map, America must come to her defense.

U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan is nothing more than a Dim Bulb. It is part of Annan's plan (and he is supported by Syria, Iraq, and Iran) to destroy the nation of Israel. As they have been for the last 2,000 years, the Israeli people are fighting for survival - and we can learn a valuable lesson from their tactics. Here is the truth the Liberal media does not want you to know: If we take away the weapons from Hezbollah (the Shiite Islamic group in Lebanon), the hostility will cease. If we take away the weapons from the nation of Israel, the nation will be slaughtered by radical Islam.

Liberal wackos are blind to this truth! The public face of Hillary Rodham says that Israel has every right to defend herself. Keep in mind that the Queen of the Liberal Liars is running for President - and to be seen as anti-semitic now would destroy the goodwill she's attempted to build among her Liberal base. Since before American planes dropped the first bombs on Iraq soil, Hillary and her pal John Kerry were shrieking "We must get approval from the United Nations!" They said we should have handed our future over to the Dim Bulb. If George W. had listened to the Liberal drivel, we'd be facing continued acts of terrorism here in America. Israel has experience with this.

Why is it right that Israel should be able to protect its people, but America must turn the other cheek? Hillary and John tell us that we must we listen as our Liberal media humanizes al Qaeda (a Shiite Islamic group in Iraq) while they publically support Israel's move against the Hezbollah aggressor. It's all about politics for the Liberal wackos here in the United States!! Behind the scenes Hillary Rodham is actively allying herself with Kofi Annan. I encourage you to view the short presentation entitled Blood of Heroes as a reminder of why we are in this fight. If you prefer a more intense experience, rent Band of Brothers from your local video store. We liberated the Jewish people from Nazi Germany ... now we must liberate the world from the force of terrorism.

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Protection of Marriage Is Responsibility of the States

In a bold move this week, the House of Representatives rejected the Marriage Protection Act (House Joint Res 88) - an amendment to the U.S. Constitution defining marriage as the union of one man and one woman. Although a majority of congressmen voted to protect marriage, there were not enough votes to pass a constitutional amendment. While battles are lost on the Federal level, skirmishes are won on the State level - much to the chagrin of the gay lobbyists. But State voters know precisely what we want!

Opponents and advocates of same-sex marriage acknowledge that legalization of homosexual unions on a Federal level would pose a serious threat to religious freedom. Scholars believe it is not a far-fetched idea that churches who oppose homosexuality could lose their tax-exempt status for discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation. This is what the Liberal wackos have wanted for years - but they cannot win at the State level, my Conservative friend. This is because State governments are closer to the people (for those educated in the public skrewl, these are known as voters).

Typically, more than 70% of the State voters reject same-sex unions - and we are taking back the nation one State at a time. Just last week, the higher courts in Georgia, Nebraska, and New York (yes, New York, believe it or not!!) affirmed existing bans on same-sex marriages. There is now a total of 20 states where same-sex unions are not recognized. For more information on how the Democratic National Committee is cowtowing to the homosexual agenda, check out the recent Baptist Press news article.

There are two ways to generate a Constitutional Amendment, my Conservative friend. If two-thirds of the Congress cannot get it done, then we must press toward ratification by three-fourths of the States. The people must demand a change!! The bottom line is that marriage is under attack. Legalization of any form of marriage other than between one man and one woman will undercut the foundation of our great country.

Monday, July 17, 2006

Beware of Secret Liberal Fundraising Groups

It doesn't help plans to take over the White House if your party is self-destructing. With the Democratic party imploding and Hillary ramping up for a run at the White House in 2008, the Liberal "thinkers" in Washington have devised a plan to save her campaign from almost certain failure. The first step in this plan is to re-direct more than $50 million to organizations and advocacy groups that are aligned to compete more aggressively with Conservatives.

The primary focus for funding has been a new organization called Democracy Alliance. Founded in 2005, Democracy Alliance is in a position to become a major power in the Liberal movement (in short, the movement is reinventing itself). DA is a financial clearinghouse for other organizations in the movement - organizations such as the Center for American Progress (CAP) and Media Matters for America. A third organization, the Center for Progressive Leadership, has been charged with the Liberal education effort. What is interesting is that the Alliance has required these organizations to sign secrecy agreements.

Democracy Alliance was formed last year with the funding from billionaires such as George Soros and Tim Gill. Although the initial structuring of the organization was performed by Rob Stein (former advisor to the Clinton Administration), the daily activities of the group are being managed by Judy Wade. Apparently, these people assume that the majority of Americans are opposed to Conservative positions - proving once again that Liberal wackos are out of touch with mainstream America.

The secrecy over Democracy Alliance and how campaign funding is managed within the group is also causing a deeper rift in the Democratic party. The organization is made up of billionaires and millionaires who are accustomed to calling the shots. The group has sometimes gotten bogged down in disputes about its funding priorities and mission. In addition, some Democratic political consultants are concerned that donations to the Alliance now will mean less money for 2006 and 2008 campaigns. Is the secrecy another sign of Liberal ineptness? Watch what happens in November.

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Hillary Rodham-Clinton: Queen of the Liberal Liars

Here we are just a few months from the 2006 elections, and I want to do my part to spread the truth about Hillary Rodham-Clinton (the hyphen is the new feminist symbol). Hillary is the most prominent feminist in the world. In 1996, the First Lady (and I use the term loosely) published a book entitled It Takes a Village. When she writes a book setting forth her ideas, it is appropriate to evaluate those ideas in light of the Truth - especially when a book so clearly represents socialist thinking.

I agree that grandparents, friends, pastors, teachers, and many others in the community all have roles in the lives of our children. That's the hook she uses to pull support. However, Hillary Rodham extends her notion of a village far beyond the family to include various organizations - especially organizations within the federal government. By the end of the book, she has endorsed nearly every government program of the last 30 years. Hillary is making the tragic assumption that the State can do a better job of raising children than parents.

It Takes a Village is (at worst) a campaign book that helped her husband to re-election in 1996. At best, it provides a comprehensive statement of Hillary's agenda for her future run toward the Oval Office. For instance, Hillary proposes the adoption of the French model of day care. This is a plan that will hand your child to the government much sooner. Will she mention this plan in 2008? I'm sure her opponents will point this out. It is interesting to note that anytime someone disagrees with her perspective, Hillary resorts to labeling him as a chauvinist - but I say the ideas in the book are dangerous because of their inherent socialism.

The premise of the book is flawed, my Conservative friend, because Government is not a village. Parents do not need government bureaucrats and federal programs to raise our children - especially when such ideas are proposed by someone who does not practice what she preaches. In the coming months, we will explore the ideas proposed by the Queen of the Liberal Liars from my own essay 101 Reasons Hillary Cannot Be President. I fully intend to illuminate Hillary for the Liberal Liar that she is behind closed doors. Stay tuned for the truth about Hillary.

Monday, July 10, 2006

80% of Pollsters Do Not Believe Polls, Survey Says

Approval ratings - blah, blah, blah!! Pay no attention to the little man behind the polling curtain, my Conservative friend. The Liberal media uses polls to manipulate public opinion rather than report on it - and these attempts are obvious (unless you're a mindless Liberal). The poll results remind me of those statements my parents made more than 30 years ago: "If all your teenage friends jumped off a cliff, would you do it, too?" Yet the Liberal media barrages us with statistics that feed into their game: 65 percent of Americans would jump off a cliff.

Okay, I'll admit the biological waste is not as easy to recognize in most polls. But the media is indeed depending on your ignorance in order to manipulate your thinking. The more you know about the polling process and the organizations that perform the polls, the better equipped you will be to recognize the biological waste. The first problem with polls (an Approval Rating is nothing more than a poll) is Polling Method. The survey can be performed either by live interviewer or by computer. Because of cost constraints, most pollsters are using computers - a method proven to be unreliable.

The second problem with polls is Demographic Slicing. Let's suppose the NAACP surveyed the residents of Mississippi and Louisiana after Hurricane Katrina. What do you think they'd report as an Approval Rating? Yes, I realize the demographic area would be much larger in reality. This is an extreme case ... and I'm just using it as an exaggeration to make a point. I don't believe in polls, but we can agree that statistics should accurately reflect the attitudes in a given area. In the case of Approval Ratings, the given area is all 50 states. Rather than surveying all 50 states, the polling companies use a concept known as weighting.

This brings me to the third problem with polls. Every organization that gathers statistics applies the Result Weighting concept differently. How likely would you be to believe an NEA poll that shows marked improvement in public education? They've obviously weighted the results toward the schools that are catering to a specific community. As a thinking Conservative, you'd probably recognize the conflict of interest and the Liberal lie. The top three pollsters (in no particular order) are Survey USA, Rasmussen, and Zogby. You might want to look into these and decide for yourself ... or you can join my club and pay no attention to the polls!

Saturday, July 08, 2006

Pop Culture Saturday: Soccer Is NOT a Kick in the Grass

Pop Culture Saturday is intended to be a more light-hearted look at American culture. There's much more going on in America than the darkness of Liberalism.

Have you watched any of the World Cup soccer tournament during these last several weeks? If your answer is No, then you're not alone. Most Americans found other things to do instead of sit in front of the television watching the United States soccer team get beat by Ghana. Before you Liberal wackos start blubbering "Oh, you watched the World Cup!!" - let me say I know the scores because I pay attention to the news. It's been impossible to flip through the channels without seeing something about international soccer.

Typical of the out-of-touch Liberal media! Every four years Americans get lectured that the World Cup is the best single-sport competition (as if using "single-sport" is supposed to differentiate it from the Olympics). More people in America watched the World Cup on Univision than on any of the English-language broadcast stations. These are not Americans watching soccer in America. It's also apparent the proponents of Celebrate Diversity want America to become athletically homogeneous with the rest of the world.

Members of the soccerati might take consolation in the fact that soccer is growing in the United States for two demographic tracks (those educated in a public skrewl should read that as different types of people): the immigrants and the upper middle class. Since the U.S. Olympic soccer victory a few years ago, the American Youth Soccer Organization (AYSO) has attracted a hoard of interested youth - and given renewed meaning to Latte Liberal Soccer Moms (not an official group, but it oughtta be). It is how they keep in touch with Globalization.

In England, soccer quickly became the gentlemen's game played by thugs. Rugby was the thug's game played by gentlemen. Canadians devised hockey. Americans cultivated our own variant and called it football. It is apparent that we'd much rather play soccer than watch it on the television. Perhaps that's the best way to deal with the sport.

Friday, July 07, 2006

Illegal Immigration: It's Worse Than Reported (Worldview)

I have just learned of a frightening fact! On March 23 (2005), President Bush (United States), Vincente Fox (Mexico), and Paul Martin (Canada) signed an agreement called the Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America. Conservatives are calling this the North American Union - because much of the agreement mirrors the European Union. The signing was done with very little fanfare and almost no explanation about the agreement.

That same day, the White House issued a Fact Sheet about the agreement. Some of the responsibilities have been given to the Department of Homeland Security and others to the Department of Commerce. The objective of the agreement is to "establish a common security strategy and promote economic growth, competitiveness and quality of life." (DHS Press Release) This means the United States, Mexico, and Canada now function as one nation in matters of security, economic growth, and quality of life.

Those of us who've been confused over the rights granted to illegal immigrants by our own government can now see the big picture. Giving Social Security benefits to illegals in the United States is only part of the North American Union plan. What are the specific items outlined by the current plan? Americans who travel extensively will be required to enroll in a Trusted Traveler Program. In addition, the traffic ways between the U.S. and Mexico (and the U.S. and Canada) will be expanded. This is only the tip of the iceberg, my Conservative friend.

Many Conservative groups are calling this the end of America as we know it ... and churches are envisioning the One World Government talked about in the Book of Revelation. I know now how Patrick Henry must have felt when he uttered the words: "Let it come! I repeat it, sir - let it come! I know not what course others may take ... but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!" We have no Patrick Henry!

Click here to read the Human Events article on this agreement.

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Hazelton Manages the Illegal Immigrant Problem

I'm one of the people fed up with how the Federal government is NOT protecting our borders. If I still lived in Southern Arizona, I'd be a Minuteman. This is the group of men and women who watch the Mexican border and do their best to discourage illegal aliens from trespassing into our country. The United States has been illegally invaded by more than 12 million Mexicans. But instead of repelling this attacking army, our Federal government has launched a plan to grant them amnesty. Get off my street! Get out of our hospitals and schools! And go home! Vamanos!

The top elected city officials in Hazelton, Pennsylvania, have the right idea. This is not a major metropolitan area - being a city that had only 23,000 citizens in 2000. Now that the wetbacks have started moving in, the city has grown to 31,000 in just the last 6 years. The Mayor of Hazelton noticed the problems caused by the rapid invasion. "Our crime rate went up ... gang violence appeared on the weekly reports ... graffiti appeared all over the city ... " said Mayor Lou Barletta. "The biggest problem is illegal immigrants using city services without paying taxes!" he adds.

What has the city of Hazelton done about this problem? "As we stumble across illegals here," Barletta explains, "we're going to punish businesses who hire them and landlords who rent to them." The city has also made English its official language. Businesses are fined $1,000 for each illegal immigrant and face the possibility of being shut down completely for 5 years. You know what? The plan has worked! It's time for this kind of get-tough policy across the United States. The problems in Hazelton provide only a snapshot of what true Americans are experiencing nationwide. Stand up and take our neighborhoods back!

Personal note: I've had my illegal immigrant neighbors arrested for stealing my cable. Like Lou Barletta, each of us can take a stand to reclaim America.

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

A Tribute to the Star Spangled Banner (July 4)

Message to the immigrants who refuse to learn English: Get out!! If you refuse to learn the language of the country (which just happens to also be the worldwide language of commerce), you don't deserve to be here!! Keep messing around with my national anthem, and there will be hell to pay!!

Liberals hate history - that's why they are constantly revising it. Here is the truth about the writing of the words that would later become our national anthem: On September 3, 1814, two men named Francis Scott Key and John Skinner were on a mission direct from President James Madison. This was during the War of 1812. The objective was to secure the release of Dr. William Beanes, a friend of Key who had been captured by the British and accused of aiding the enemy (namely the Americans).

Key and Skinner succeeded in gaining the prisoner's release, but because they'd overheard the plans for the attack on Fort McHenry and Fort Covington (the last lines of defense in Baltimore Harbor), they were detained overnight. Key witnessed the bombardment from the upper deck of the British ship the HMS Minden. He observed that the fort's smaller "storm flag" continued to fly. After a while, the smoke and darkness obscured his view of the flag - and he would not know how the battle ended until dawn. In the early morning hours, he noticed that the small flag had been lowered ... and in its place a much larger flag had been raised - an American flag.

Key was inspired by the American victory and the sight of the large American flag. The next day he wrote the words that we now sing as our national anthem. This is my country - born out of adversity and rooted in faith. The Liberal wackos would have us forget the fourth verse of Key's immortal words, my Conservative friend - but you and I will refuse to forget. We've allowed them to take prayer out of our public skrewls, and they attempt to revise our history. As we celebrate Independence Day today, let us not forget these words:

Oh! thus be it ever, when freemen shall stand
Between their loved homes and the war's desolation!
Blest with victory and peace, may the Heaven-rescued land
Praise the Power that hath made and preserved us a nation.
Then conquer we must, when our cause it is just,
And this be our motto: “In God is our trust.”
And the star-spangled banner in triumph shall wave
O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave!

Sunday, July 02, 2006

Pop Culture Saturday: Are You Under J.K. Rowling's Spell?

Pop Culture Saturday is intended to be a more light-hearted look at American culture. There's much more going on in America than the darkness of Liberalism.

Although he's not the main character of the series, Rubeus Hagrid has one of the best lines in all the books. He jokingly tells Harry Potter to shape up with the phrase "C'mon, Harry!! Don't be such a muggle!!" A muggle, you see, is how wizards refer to any non-wizard character. The term of disparagement became a household word early in the series, but faded quickly from overuse. With the author's recent announcement about the release of the seventh and final book, the term may be back in vogue soon.

The series of Harry Potter books from J.K. Rowling has captured the world's imagination with death-defying battles against dragons, impossible escapes from treacherous evil villains, rather humorous encounters with school bullies, and feats of wizardry that can only be described as entertaining. Well, okay ... some anti-fanatics are describing this series as occultic. Loosen up, ye simple-minded!! There is an abundance of redemptive features in Rowling's books.

The wonderful folks at Focus on the Family have said it best (and doesn't that just burn you fire-and-brimstone right-wingers): "We need to raise up more Christian thinkers who can enter the realm of entertainment armed with a critical knowledge of both the Scripture and the false world views they’re combating." Instead of buying the books, I bought the audio cassette tape versions of the books. My son and I listened to and discussed each chapter. I could do this because he is able to deconstruct literary works into their various components.

For those of you educated in the public skrewl, that means we can talk about the characters, the classic battles, and the literary devices Rowling employs to build the storyline. As an educated Journalist, I have learned that the best writers are those who read the most. The parting shot from Focus on the Family supports this idea: "Indeed, it is these Christians who will have a redemptive effect on society, making positive changes for the long run." If Harry can lead your child into witchcraft, it is no wonder Christianity is suffering from spiritual anemia.