Monday, May 07, 2007

The World Cannot Co-Exist With Islamic Terrorists

We are experiencing religious difficulties in the Mideast. The Bible provides ample prophecies of the events currently unfolding in the region - and they are bound to get worse not better. The Muslim religion and the ideas it teaches are the source of the problems in the Mideast. In truth, most all problems between folks around the world and throughout history can be linked to religious difficulties. Political correctness is a philosophy we cannot employ with radical Muslims (Islamic Extremists) - although some say that not all Muslims are like that.

Let's suppose the radical Muslims did manage to gain some type of control over the United States (as they have in Europe already). Here's a key question: Who do you think our calm, Muslim neighbors will side with? Many people are beginning to wake up to the fact that our Muslim neighbors will NOT side with Americans. Indeed, when the time comes to take sides, they will join their "brothers" and suddenly our Muslim neighbors and co-workers will become what they have always been.

Most Americans would like to see world peace - but world peace is an idea that is best left to the fantasy books and movies. It will not happen until after the Tribulation. We hate having to go to war, but reasonable people know that war is sometimes unavoidable. It may require another terrorist attack of some great degree to remind the short-memory Americans that these people DO NOT want to peacefully co-exist with non-muslims!!! They want us GONE... DEAD... and ERADICATED from their earth.

Take a look at the Mideast. It's apparent that Muslims are not compassionate people - not towards their own and certainly not towards others. I just hope and pray that Americans wake up and stop trying to see Muslim radicals as peaceful co-inhabitants. They think we are weak for even trying to reach out to others with love, peace and compassion. Since they defy our diplomacy, we must not be afraid to defend ourselves and join with others in the world also willing to defend themselves. If we don't fight them in the Mideast, we will have to fight them here in the United States.


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