Thursday, July 13, 2006

Hillary Rodham-Clinton: Queen of the Liberal Liars

Here we are just a few months from the 2006 elections, and I want to do my part to spread the truth about Hillary Rodham-Clinton (the hyphen is the new feminist symbol). Hillary is the most prominent feminist in the world. In 1996, the First Lady (and I use the term loosely) published a book entitled It Takes a Village. When she writes a book setting forth her ideas, it is appropriate to evaluate those ideas in light of the Truth - especially when a book so clearly represents socialist thinking.

I agree that grandparents, friends, pastors, teachers, and many others in the community all have roles in the lives of our children. That's the hook she uses to pull support. However, Hillary Rodham extends her notion of a village far beyond the family to include various organizations - especially organizations within the federal government. By the end of the book, she has endorsed nearly every government program of the last 30 years. Hillary is making the tragic assumption that the State can do a better job of raising children than parents.

It Takes a Village is (at worst) a campaign book that helped her husband to re-election in 1996. At best, it provides a comprehensive statement of Hillary's agenda for her future run toward the Oval Office. For instance, Hillary proposes the adoption of the French model of day care. This is a plan that will hand your child to the government much sooner. Will she mention this plan in 2008? I'm sure her opponents will point this out. It is interesting to note that anytime someone disagrees with her perspective, Hillary resorts to labeling him as a chauvinist - but I say the ideas in the book are dangerous because of their inherent socialism.

The premise of the book is flawed, my Conservative friend, because Government is not a village. Parents do not need government bureaucrats and federal programs to raise our children - especially when such ideas are proposed by someone who does not practice what she preaches. In the coming months, we will explore the ideas proposed by the Queen of the Liberal Liars from my own essay 101 Reasons Hillary Cannot Be President. I fully intend to illuminate Hillary for the Liberal Liar that she is behind closed doors. Stay tuned for the truth about Hillary.


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