Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Protection of Marriage Is Responsibility of the States

In a bold move this week, the House of Representatives rejected the Marriage Protection Act (House Joint Res 88) - an amendment to the U.S. Constitution defining marriage as the union of one man and one woman. Although a majority of congressmen voted to protect marriage, there were not enough votes to pass a constitutional amendment. While battles are lost on the Federal level, skirmishes are won on the State level - much to the chagrin of the gay lobbyists. But State voters know precisely what we want!

Opponents and advocates of same-sex marriage acknowledge that legalization of homosexual unions on a Federal level would pose a serious threat to religious freedom. Scholars believe it is not a far-fetched idea that churches who oppose homosexuality could lose their tax-exempt status for discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation. This is what the Liberal wackos have wanted for years - but they cannot win at the State level, my Conservative friend. This is because State governments are closer to the people (for those educated in the public skrewl, these are known as voters).

Typically, more than 70% of the State voters reject same-sex unions - and we are taking back the nation one State at a time. Just last week, the higher courts in Georgia, Nebraska, and New York (yes, New York, believe it or not!!) affirmed existing bans on same-sex marriages. There is now a total of 20 states where same-sex unions are not recognized. For more information on how the Democratic National Committee is cowtowing to the homosexual agenda, check out the recent Baptist Press news article.

There are two ways to generate a Constitutional Amendment, my Conservative friend. If two-thirds of the Congress cannot get it done, then we must press toward ratification by three-fourths of the States. The people must demand a change!! The bottom line is that marriage is under attack. Legalization of any form of marriage other than between one man and one woman will undercut the foundation of our great country.


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