Friday, May 18, 2007

Lindsey Graham Is No Conservative

Turn on any mainstream newscast today and you'll hear the name Lindsey Graham - either as an introduction for a personal appearance or a preface to his Immigration Reform Bill. Well... the blame for the bill currently being considered by the Senate does not rest solely on the shoulders of Senator Graham - it's also the fault of John McCain, Ted Kennedy, and George Bush. That's right - President George W. Bush is pushing for Immigration Reform. But those few who've read the bill call it the Illegal Immigrant Amnesty Bill. This bill would give 12 million Mexican illegals (most of whom live in my neighborhood) a clear path to citizenship.

John McCain proved himself to be a Republican In Name Only (RINO) several years ago. Now he has made a deal with the devil - the godfather of everything unholy in the Kennedy Compound (Ted Kennedy). If Chappaquiddick weren't enough to steer clear of the Senate's bumbling drunk, the motivation for making 12 million Mexican illegals immediate citizens should be. Many SC voters were surprised to find Lindsey Graham giving outspoken support to the Amnesty Bill. Remember fellow-voters, Graham only made a name for himself because he was instrumental in the Clinton impeachment hearings.

The truth is that Lindsey Graham is not a conservative. It should have been apparent when he became attached to John McCain's hip just before "the candidate" made his big announcement. Conservative voters in South Carolina (Graham's homestate) have begun a concerted effort to boot Lindsey - who is up for re-election in 2008 - out of office. The rest of the country should not underestimate the power of conservative voters in SC. Remember American historians, we made a name for ourselves because being the first state to secede from the Union. Graham has met the immovable object!!


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