Monday, July 17, 2006

Beware of Secret Liberal Fundraising Groups

It doesn't help plans to take over the White House if your party is self-destructing. With the Democratic party imploding and Hillary ramping up for a run at the White House in 2008, the Liberal "thinkers" in Washington have devised a plan to save her campaign from almost certain failure. The first step in this plan is to re-direct more than $50 million to organizations and advocacy groups that are aligned to compete more aggressively with Conservatives.

The primary focus for funding has been a new organization called Democracy Alliance. Founded in 2005, Democracy Alliance is in a position to become a major power in the Liberal movement (in short, the movement is reinventing itself). DA is a financial clearinghouse for other organizations in the movement - organizations such as the Center for American Progress (CAP) and Media Matters for America. A third organization, the Center for Progressive Leadership, has been charged with the Liberal education effort. What is interesting is that the Alliance has required these organizations to sign secrecy agreements.

Democracy Alliance was formed last year with the funding from billionaires such as George Soros and Tim Gill. Although the initial structuring of the organization was performed by Rob Stein (former advisor to the Clinton Administration), the daily activities of the group are being managed by Judy Wade. Apparently, these people assume that the majority of Americans are opposed to Conservative positions - proving once again that Liberal wackos are out of touch with mainstream America.

The secrecy over Democracy Alliance and how campaign funding is managed within the group is also causing a deeper rift in the Democratic party. The organization is made up of billionaires and millionaires who are accustomed to calling the shots. The group has sometimes gotten bogged down in disputes about its funding priorities and mission. In addition, some Democratic political consultants are concerned that donations to the Alliance now will mean less money for 2006 and 2008 campaigns. Is the secrecy another sign of Liberal ineptness? Watch what happens in November.


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