Monday, July 24, 2006

Hezbollah Presence in United States Poses Serious Threat

While many Liberals (such as Hillary Rodham) are publicly supporting Israel's right to defend herself from terrorists, they are also selling the idea that religious fanatics in Lebanon are no threat to America. This Liberal propaganda is not only self-serving (Hillary does not want to be seen as anti-semitic), but also dishonors the more than 300 Americans who were killed or wounded in the 1983 bombing of the barracks in Beirut. What about the Hezbollah agents who sneak into the United States through Mexico?

On October 23, 1983, a delivery truck crashed through a barbed wire fence, passed by two sentry posts, crashed through another gate, and barreled into the lobby of the U.S. Marine headquarters. The suicide bomber detonated his explosives (equal to 12,000 pounds of TNT) and reduced the 4-story cinder block building to rubble - killing 241 American servicemen and injuring 60 others. Within minutes of this attack, another suicide bomber destroyed the French Infantry headquarters.

These two suicide bombers (Abu Mazen and Abu Sijaan) were identified as members of the Free Islamic Revolutionary Movement - otherwise known as Hezbollah. U.S. immigration policies make it easy for Hezbollah members to make it into the United States illegally. The DoD estimates there are 200,000 terrorists working inside the United States. These extremists are supported by Syria and Iran. And the proof has been provided by the recent missile attacks against Israel. The anti-ship cruise missiles (C-802 missiles) used last week were made in Iran. And the 220-millimeter rockets rained down on Haifa were made in Syria.

Why is it we don't hear the complete truth in the news reports? Do you think it's merely Liberal blindness? No, what we are experiencing is calculated manipulation by the Liberal wackos in an attempt to regain power in Washington. They are willingly selling our United States back to the terrorists! Robert Jordan and Don Philpott have written a book entitled Is America Safe - and we cannot allow ourselves to be caught without information. Don't be led to slaughter by Hillary Rodham and John Kerry! Islamo-facists are a worldwide problem ... and Hezbollah is just one of its militant organizations.


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