Friday, July 07, 2006

Illegal Immigration: It's Worse Than Reported (Worldview)

I have just learned of a frightening fact! On March 23 (2005), President Bush (United States), Vincente Fox (Mexico), and Paul Martin (Canada) signed an agreement called the Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America. Conservatives are calling this the North American Union - because much of the agreement mirrors the European Union. The signing was done with very little fanfare and almost no explanation about the agreement.

That same day, the White House issued a Fact Sheet about the agreement. Some of the responsibilities have been given to the Department of Homeland Security and others to the Department of Commerce. The objective of the agreement is to "establish a common security strategy and promote economic growth, competitiveness and quality of life." (DHS Press Release) This means the United States, Mexico, and Canada now function as one nation in matters of security, economic growth, and quality of life.

Those of us who've been confused over the rights granted to illegal immigrants by our own government can now see the big picture. Giving Social Security benefits to illegals in the United States is only part of the North American Union plan. What are the specific items outlined by the current plan? Americans who travel extensively will be required to enroll in a Trusted Traveler Program. In addition, the traffic ways between the U.S. and Mexico (and the U.S. and Canada) will be expanded. This is only the tip of the iceberg, my Conservative friend.

Many Conservative groups are calling this the end of America as we know it ... and churches are envisioning the One World Government talked about in the Book of Revelation. I know now how Patrick Henry must have felt when he uttered the words: "Let it come! I repeat it, sir - let it come! I know not what course others may take ... but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!" We have no Patrick Henry!

Click here to read the Human Events article on this agreement.


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