Monday, July 31, 2006

Algore's Movie Hyped by Convenient Lie

Algore's doomsday global warming movie An Inconvenient Truth has been hyped by the Liberal media since it opened in May. Entertainment Weekly dubbed Algore a star in a puff cover story titled "Changing the Climate: How Al Gore Tamed Hollywood." The junk-science apocalyptic flick even won a special award, a Liberal left prize for films that enrich society (according to Humanitas). With all this media hype, it is easy to believe that Algore's movie is a box office blockbuster. But the real inconvenient truth is that Gore's audience numbers have been inflated.

In Entertainment Weekly, Algore claimed that "almost 2 million people have seen the movie in theaters." He continued, "That's 2 million people whose minds may be changed by the film." In truth, the minds of these moviegoers are already made up - since a solid percentage of his moviegoers are actually Liberal activists. How do we know? Other Liberal media outlets (such as the Sierra Club) have been promoting ticket sales. The Albuquerque Tribune reported that the Sierra Club paid for more than 288,000 phone calls to homes with a recorded message from Gore urging people to see the movie.

"Hello, I'm Al Gore..." the recorded message begins. "The fight against global warming is not about right versus left - it's about right versus wrong. That's why the Sierra Club and I are asking you to see my film..." [insert mindless Liberal excrement here]. Obviously, these auto-dial phone numbers are pulled from Liberal political lists. Gore is also doing book signings and personal appearances to lure more Liberals into the theaters. And the Sierra Club has been packing in its own members. Imagine that - a wacko Liberal organization doing its best to inflate numbers! Like that's never happened before.

The Daily Local (Westchester, Pennsylvania) reports that the Chester County chapter of the Sierra Club dragged about 175 people to the theater for a movie night event. They've pumped up Algore's numbers like that all across the country. Consider this ad that appeared in the Washington Post (one of the most Liberal news machines in the nation): "You need to take your friends and family, and make them see it. It is not enough to be converted. Now is the time for you to convert others. This is our last, best chance..." I'm nauseated just reading this Liberal crap! "Convert" them? Make them see it? Yeah, that's the only way this Liberal crap is going to fly.


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