Monday, June 25, 2007

Lou Dobbs Explains the Amnesty Bill Provisions

Lou Dobbs explained the provisions of the Amnesty Bill on one of his recent broadcasts. Rep. John Boehner has it right - this bill is a piece... We must work to defeat Amnesty for the future of America. Eisenhauer did a good thing in the 1950s - and we CAN do it again!!
  • BORDER SECURITY IS NOT FIRST: We can't even find out what border security has to do with this legislation. It is all about AMNESTY, and the proposed 800-mile-plus fencing on our southern border could be slashed to just 200 MILES!
  • TUITION FOR ILLEGAL ALIENS: This legislation incorporates the so-called "DREAM Act" that gives in-state tuition to illegal aliens — a benefit, of course, DENIED to American citizens.
  • CUTTING IN LINE: Illegal aliens will, under the terms of this legislation, also be able to cut in front of everyone who's been waiting for years in their own countries for admission to the United States legally. Too bad for people who actually follow the law, right?
  • AMNESTY FOR FUGITIVES: This bill will also grant amnesty for illegal aliens who were ordered deported!
  • COURTS SHUT DOWN: Our immigration courts could effectively be shut down with this legislation, as judges must close any immigration proceeding and allow illegal aliens to apply for amnesty.
  • ENGLISH NOT REQUIRED: Learning English is not required until the ninth year of amnesty!
  • TAX CREDITS FOR ILLEGALS: Illegal aliens don't have to pay back taxes, but they will be eligible for the earned income tax credit — a tax credit designed to help this country's hard-working CITIZENS!


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