Thursday, June 29, 2006

New York Times: Aiding and Abetting the Terrorists

Are you bothered by the fact that our Liberal media not only roots for our enemies, but also takes every opportunity to help them whenever possible? Think back to the first Gulf War and the frequent press conferences where the reporters would ask such stupid questions as "Where will the troops be operating today?" Remember the outcry from the parents of enlisted men and women to get the reporters to shut up? SNL even produced a skit about these stupid questions.

This is a new War on Terrorism, but some members of the Liberal media are still asking stupid questions. Others have taken their anti-American agenda underground. Case in point: A recent New York Times report describes the methods used by our intelligence agencies to trace financial transactions to the source.

It is a known fact that terrorists use the international banking system to finance terror efforts. It's much easier and lower profile than toting suitcases of cash. You might remember the Vin Diesel movie XXX in which Samuel L. Jackson orders Diesel's character to investigate the financial transactions of the suspected terrorists. The Nicolas Cage movie Lord of War also uses this as a central theme ... but Hollywood leaves out the details of how all the tracing is accomplished. Not so with the Liberal media.

The Washington Post and the New York Times are the two most notorious co-conspirators for the terrorists. There are other newspapers named in the investigation. I will not reprint the Times report here. Some lawmakers are calling the disclosure of the tracing methods treasonous. One thing is clear: The Liberal media will do whatever it takes to undermine the effort in Iraq - even if it means more casualties. Okay - I have a stupid question: When will the Liberal media realize it is fooling no one?

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Superman Returns to Save the Liberal Left Agenda

Your first question might be "Why isn't this a Pop Culture Saturday post?" I'll tell you, my Conservative friend - it's because the Liberal wackos in Hollyweird have distorted an American superhero! Superman first appeared in Action Comics (1938), and during World War II Clark Kent's alter ego fought against Nazi tyranny. The catch phrase for the Superman radio show was "...for Truth, Justice, and the American Way!"

The new Superman movie (which opens today in theaters across America) uses a distortion of this catch phrase that eliminates "...the American Way" completely. The new phrase is "...for Truth, Justice, and all that stuff!" Seems the Liberal wackos in Hollyweird cannot stomach the American Way. It is not politically correct to have an American Way. This is the foundation for Liberal stupidity - a hatred for America. As an American Conservative, I cherish what America has stood for during our last 230 years.

During the last six years, several actors and actresses have threatened to leave the continental United States if particular things happened. Alec Baldwin has screeched the loudest, yet he is still living in the continental United States. Can you not find the nearest exit, Alec? Perhaps you were educated at a public skrewl. I learned in high school geometry that the shortest distance between two points is a straight line. Which reminds me: Bryan Singer (the Director of Superman Returns) is openly gay.

There are many agendas at work through Superman Returns. The changing of the catch phrase is merely the tip of the iceberg - but it is also the perfect picture of a cooperative effort between the Liberal Left, the propagandists in Hollyweird, and the Homosexual activists. Don't think for a second these groups truly believe in Truth, Justice, and the American Way. And let's not even try to define what "all that stuff" means.

Monday, June 26, 2006

Big Liberal Lie: Separation of Church and State

Sometimes the ignorance of the Liberal Left is incomprehensible. The only explanation is that the Liberal agenda pushed by organizations such as the ACLU and is orchestrated by Satan himself. Such is the case with one of the biggest Liberal lies - the separation of church and state. The key question here is "Does the First Amendment of the Constitution establish the separation of church and state?" Short answer: No.

The First Amendment states that "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof." The amendment was ratified by the states in order to prevent the Federal Government from establishing a national denominational church, such as existed in England. The intent of the amendment was to provide an atmosphere in which the Judeo-Christian religion could flourish. It protected the biblical legal base of our country, while at the same time avoiding a national church.

The Liberal idiots supported by the godless ACLU on the separation of church and state as justification for eliminating religious issues from public view. These Liberal social engineers have declared that Christians are the enemy. They deny the Christian roots of American democracy - but we are standing up for the truth. They resent how Christians pose constant reminders that God possesses the absolute standards of right and wrong - and the public skrewls are at the forefront of the battlefield.

These Liberal wackos want to achieve a new humanistic America where our children will enjoy "freedom from religion." They do not respect God's definition of the family and they attempt to rewrite the guidelines for morality. These Liberal wackos believe man has the only answers for himself. We Christians irritate these Liberal wackos when we proclaim the truth of God's liberating love. We infuriate them when we remind them of our Lord's true and steadfast faithfulness.

For those who know the Bible, this is not a surprise: "All men will hate you because of me, but he who stands firm to the end will be saved." [Matthew 10:22] Stand up to these Liberal morons, my Conservative friend. They are already on the losing end of this spiritual battle!

Friday, June 23, 2006

Anthony Romero and the Prince of Darkness (An ACLU Story)

Anthony Romero is the devil incarnate! That being said, you've probably never heard of Tony Romero - but I guarantee you've heard of the organization he presides over. Liberal wacko Anthony Romero is the Executive Director of the American Civil Liberies Union (ACLU) , the most anti-Christian organization in the United States. Bear in mind that the ACLU claims to fight for the First Amendment.

Erica Corder - an 18-year-old graduating senior at Lewis-Palmer High School in Monument (Colorado) - mentioned Jesus Christ in her commencement speech and urged listeners to learn more about his sacrifice. After the valedictory address, school officials told Corder she would not receive her diploma until she wrote an e-mail to the school community's students and parents, apologizing for her comments. This is a degree Erica has earned over the course of four years. No doubt the case will end up in court.

The Colorado office of the ACLU was actively pursuing sanctions even before Corder stepped up to the microphone. The actions of the school to censor the graduating senior were guided by the organization. It is well-known that the primary mission of the ACLU is "to preserve First Amendment rights" - of course, this only applies if you are NOT a Christian. Is Anthony Romero- the first openly gay Director of the ACLU - going to hell? Probably. What about his organization?

A little known fact about the ACLU is that it is NOT a government organization. It is a private non-profit (yeah, right!!) and non-partisan (another Liberal Lie!!) organization. If the supporters of the ACLU would pull their heads out of the sand long enough to actually read the United States Constitution, they would see it says freedom of religion, NOT freedom from religion. But then they are more concerned with censoring an 18 year old senior from Colorado than with reading the Constitution.

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Attention: Weapons of Mass Destruction Found

Our U.S. military found hundreds of chemical and biological weapons in Iraq today. What's that you say? Haven't heard a peep about the discovery. You can thank the Liberal media for keeping you in the dark.

The Liberal Left has been screaming "Liar! Liar! Pants on Fire!" for so long, I can barely remember when the Liberal rhetoric started. I'm sorry...did I say rhetoric? I meant treason. Don't get me wrong, it's obvious even the most ignorant Liberal wacko knew Saddam Hussein had Weapons of Mass Destruction. Many of them were huddled around the Appropriations Committee during the Clinton Administration and saw the invoices/receipts.

In this case, it is evidentially ironic that the Leftists have been screaming "Liar! Liar!" between shots of tequila and at the tops of their smoke-filled lungs. These are the same people who try to sell the idea that "There is no Liberal media!" We don't need a CSI forensics expert to see through Nancy Pelosi (a senior member of the House Appropriations Committee). She knows the WMDs have been in Iraq since the first shout. Perhaps her college education is to blame for feeding her all that Liberal ... um, anti-American propaganda.

If you're a fellow Conservative, I'm sure you understand the mainstream media is the marketing department of the Liberal Left, and our own colleges and universities generate the propaganda. Case in point: You won't find the WMD Discovery story in the mainstream media (well, not until they're backed into the Corner of Truth). This is the way it happens, time after time. It's a shame that our valiant soldiers who found the weapons in Iraq aren't hailed as heroes. Too bad victory is not part of the Liberal Left plan.

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Goodbye, Dan Blather!!

If the Liberal Left has a marketing department, then Dan Blather was certainly its Director. When I say Dan Blather, I mean the guy who sat in the CBS anchor chair for 24 years. He helped to forge documents that would cast a bad light on President Bush. This is Blather's legacy, much like Monica Lewinsky is Bill Clinton's legacy. He did also spend a few years telling us there was a war going on in Vietnam.

I don't know if it is dramatic irony or journalistic justice that forced Blather out the door this week, but after his treatment of Walter Cronkite in early 1981, he certainly deserves to be out on his ass. The shadow of the Rathergate scandal (remember those forged documents??) will follow him the rest of his a stain on his blue dress. It takes pain like this for America to understand the Liberal Left is not in touch with reality.

I got a great birthday present last year when CBS asked Blather to step down from the newsdesk in the midst of the scandal. After a year of whining and complaining that he could no longer "sit around doing nothing" (typical Liberal Left whiner, as reported by the Associated Press), Blather has been pointed in the direction of the CBS News front door. I wonder if he had to clean out his own desk. Maybe Moonves (the CBS Executive supervisor) granted him a dying wish and allowed Blather to use the services of a CBS News intern.

It wouldn't be the first time an intern was involved in a Liberal Left scandal! Celebrate good times! C'mon! Where's Kool and the Gang when you need them? Oh, they're probably playing Blather's Farewell Party. Goodbye, Dan!! You deserve what you got.

Thursday, June 15, 2006

Big Liberal Lie: No Weapons of Mass Destruction

Remember the most famous line that sunk John Kerry's futile bid for the Presidency in 2004? He said, "I actually did vote FOR the $87 billion before I voted AGAINST it!" Kerry was talking about his flip-flop votes on funding for the war on terrorism (Liberal wackos call this the War in Iraq). Flip-flop voting played a key role in Kerry's defeat in 2004, but he is not the only Liberal nutcase to show two faces to the world - especially when it comes to weapons of mass destruction.

In a letter to President Clinton (dated October 9, 1998) Senators Tom Daschle, John Kerry, and others wrote: "We urge you after consulting with Congress and consistent with the U.S. Constitution and laws to take necessary actions (including, if appropriate, air and missile strikes on suspect Iraqi sites) to respond effectively to the threat posed by Iraq's refusal to end its weapons of mass destruction programs."

Two months later, Nancy Pelosi followed up with a similar request, saying: "Saddam Hussein has been engaged in the development of weapons of mass destruction technology which is is threat to countries in the region, and he has made a mockery of the weapons inspection process." Not to be outdone, Hillary Rodham-Clinton reported in October 2002 that "Intelligence shows Saddam Hussein has worked to rebuild his chemical and biological weapons stock." Ted Kennedy also had a few well-chosen words about the WMD situation.

These five Liberal wackos have since changed their tune. They are now completely denying the existence of chemical or biological weapons in Iraq. Nancy Pelosi has risen to the highest ranks in the Appropriations Committee. Hillary Rodham-Clinton has started all-out campaigning. But they know the truth, my Conservative friend! They know Saddam has stashed his weapons in a safe place. Will we find these weapons before we suffer another devastating attack on American soil? You can bet Hillary wants to be the one in the White House when that happens.

Saturday, June 10, 2006

Pop Culture Saturday: What's Wrong with the DaVinci Code?

Pop Culture Saturday is intended to be a more light-hearted look at American culture. There's much more going on in America than the darkness of Liberalism.

If you're looking for a more in-depth discussion about the humanist thought behind the DaVinci Code movie, I recommend purchasing a copy of Lee Strobel's Exploring the DaVinci Code. I've participated in two small groups that have used this book and the Discussion Curriculum to guide an exploration of the lies and half-truths in Dan Brown's book. I'll spend these few paragraphs comparing the DaVinci Code to the Passion of Christ.

"What's the connection?" you ask. After spurning Mel Gibson's masterpiece about the ultimate sacrifice, then watching as it broke all box office records worldwide, Hollyweird decided that the world needs more movies that are "bible-related" (that's the best term to describe the Hollyweird blasphemy). Don't get me wrong - Hollyweird has always had a fascination with the supernatural. Consider Rosemary's Baby (1968) or The Exorcist (1973), for instance.

Another movie due to premier this December will bring the story of the Nativity to our theaters. Directed by Catherine Hardwicke (Lords of Dogtown), the cast is almost entirely muslim - and there's bound to be some political as well as Christian backlash when this news gets out. Will it be as pain-stakingly accurate as Passion? Or will it be just another homage to the deification of Mary? The point here, my Conservative friend, is that everybody is jumping onto the "bible-related" bandwagon.

Aside from the obvious lies and half-truths throughout the DaVinci Code, the movie is wrong simply because it's an obvious attempt to rake in the money from people whose minds are so open that their brains are falling out (oops - I promised I wouldn't mention anything about Liberals). Gibson produced his movie without the help of the heavy-handed marketing of groups like Columbia Pictures - and the Code probably won't be breaking any worldwide records.

Friday, June 09, 2006

Big Liberal Lie: Zarqawi Is A Victim of Politics

Our United States military - the best military in the world (which is a fact the Liberal idiots don't want you to believe) - dealt a severe blow to the satanic efforts of al Quaeda today with the killing of the top man in Iraq. Abu Musab al Zarqawi is dead! We will not be wasting taxpayer money or valuable military time in court pretending Zarqawi was a good man. Yes, my Conservative friend, Saddam Hussein should have been shot on sight.

Two U.S. Air Force F-16 fighters attacked a safe house near the town of Baqubah today, killing Zarqawi, Sheik Abdul Rahman (Zarqawi's spiritual advisor), and four other persons. The fighters dropped two 500 pound bombs on the building. The Liberal media will undoubtedly attempt to paint Zarqawi as a victim in the war on terrorism...they will dishonor the millions of Iraqi citizens murdered by the lunatic. They will attempt to aid the enemy by lifting Zarqawi up as a martyr.

By contrast, the Iraqi reporters (who've actually lived under Zarqawi's bloody terrorism) stood up and cheered when the Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki announced Zarqawi's death. Minutes after the announcement, the long-debated posts of interior minister, defense minister and national security adviser were filled in a giddy session of parliament. The Iraqi's (both Sunni and Shiite) are jubilant at Zarqawi's death. The American media seems a bit depressed!

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

America: The Greatest Country in the World (230 Years)

The United States of America is about to celebrate the 230th anniversary of its birth. This will undoubtedly be another moment frozen in time - like the the moment Neil Armstrong stepped out onto the moon's surface ... the moment Ronald Reagan was sworn into office ... the moment the U.S. Olympic hockey team beat the Russians. During our Bicentennial Celebration in 1976, I was fascinated by the visual images of the tall-ships sailing in Boston Harbor and Walter Cronkite's 14-hour coverage of the nationwide celebration.

Much has changed during the last 30 years, but it does not dim our 230-year history. Alexis de Tocqueville has been quoted as saying "Not until I went into the churches of America and heard her pulpits flame with righteousness did I understand the secret of her genius and power. America is great because she is good, and if America ever ceases to be good, she will cease to be great." Despite the fact that it can be found nowhere in his book Democracy in America, the line has become an accepted adage. I do believe that goodness and greatness are complementary characteristics.

I do not often quote Hollyweird actors when saluting the United States. This is because most of them have promised to leave my country in recent years. None of them have made good on their promise. Most of Hollyweird is full of two-faced liars, but one actor stands out as a true American hero. When Conservatives talk about America, the name John Wayne often comes up. In preparation for the July 4th celebration this year, I recommend that we listen to a flash presentation entitled "I Love America" narrated by John Wayne.

Click here to get to, then scroll down to the [America] link. The images and soundtrack will explain many of the reasons America is still a great country, despite what the Liberal wackos want us to believe. According to them, it is not politically correct to love your own country.

Monday, June 05, 2006

A Tribute to Ronald Wilson Reagan (1911-2004)

Today marks the two-year anniversary of the passing of President Ronald W. Reagan ... perhaps the greatest President of the 20th Century. I had the sincere pleasure of working with the Senate Policy Committee during the first year of Reagan's second term. It was a fantastic experience ... and one that allowed me to submit a simple document comparing the inflation rates from Reagan's first term against those of Jimmy Carter's presidency. I was told by the head of the SPC that the document was well received by the White House. As a tribute to the late President, I would like to reprint the editorial I wrote for the local paper in 2004:

I remember being glued to the television for hours waiting for news of the President's prognosis after John Hinckley's assassination attempt. One of the early press conferences sticks out in my mind. A surgeon had reported the President to be in good health; in fact, the doctor said that President Reagan had joked with the surgical team before succumbing to the anesthesia so the doctors could remove the bullet. "I hope you're all Republicans!" he quipped.

Perhaps the greatest legacy of Ronaldus Magnus is his sense of humor ... the feeling that he never really took himself too seriously. However, it did become apparent over the course of his political career that he took one thing seriously -- his faith. As a nation, we discovered AFTER the surgery that President Reagan had been praying for Hinckley while recovering from the near-fatal wound. How many of us would have done that?

The way he lived his live inspired us to move forward. Toward the end of his second term, a network reporter asked him if he'd thought about returning to the entertainment world. "No, I really haven't..." he replied. "I wouldn't want people to think I was compromising the presidency." Then, with his usual presidential wit, he added "Besides ... I've already had the world's biggest stage."

A great American died June 5. How fortunate are we to have known Ronald Reagan as a man ... someone who thought himself not quite as big as the office of the presidency -- and yet someone who became larger than life. There is no scandal surrounding his passing. God simply called him home -- and what we have lost here on earth, heaven has gained. -- David Herder (Mauldin)

Reprinted from the June 15, 2004, edition of the Greenville News.

Saturday, June 03, 2006

Pop Culture Saturday: Our Infatuation with American Idol

Pop Culture Saturday is intended to be a more light-hearted look at American culture. There's much more going on in America than the darkness of Liberalism.

The fifth season of American Idol has recently ended with the crowning of Taylor Hicks from Birmingham, Alabama. I must admit I did not keep up with the competition until this season. I know Carrie Underwood has made it big, but the top season five contestants might eclipse her starpower. Season five has been the best that Idol has to offer.

The Performance shows (Tuesday nights) garnered an average of 30 million viewers each week, and Idol stayed at the top of the Nielsen Ratings for the entire season. The backstage drama has been entertaining - like Paula Abdul's drunken stupor. Of course, we can't forget Kellie Pickler's snotrag or Katherine McPhee's wardrobe malfunction. With all this entertainment, my complaint is more about the way Fox Network manipulates the voting.

Many viewers do not realize the effect that auto-dialers have on the weekly results. Fox has "reserved the right" to toss blocks of votes if they determine the votes were submitted through these auto-dialers. One problem: There's no way to tell how votes are submitted. Fox tossed votes that were cast for Chris Daughtry during the week he was eliminated - and only because it added to the drama of the final showdown between Katherine and Taylor.

Manipulation or not, Idol is a very entertaining program to watch. Will I watch the competition next season? Not sure. There is also more to life than American Idol.

Friday, June 02, 2006

Attention Liberals: We're Onto Your Game (and It Stinks)

We have had enough of the Liberal marketing and twisting of the facts (the Liberals are Revisionists, folks!) through the Washington Post and New York Times!! We recognize the biological waste fed to our children through the public skrewls for what it is!! We've stopped listening to the Liberal propaganda being taught in our colleges and universities (Academia is the breeding ground for Liberal hypocrisy). And we've started fighting back!!

The pages of this blog will serve to illuminate the answers to Liberal stupidity. We'll shed Conservative light on the private lives of some prominent idiots such as Bill and Hillary Clinton, the Kennedy clan, Nancy Pelosi, Michael Moore, and Barbra Streisand. For instance, Hillary Clinton supports the rights of 13 year old girls to have abortions without parental consent, yet she absolutely forbid her daughter Chelsea from piercing her ears and enrolled her in a school that would not distribute condoms to minors.

It will become obvious that liberalism in the end forces its adherents to become hypocrites. These people adopt one pose in public, but when it comes to what matters most in their lives - their property, their privacy, and their children - they jettison their dark Liberal principles and embrace the Conservative light. Stand tall, my fellow Conservative!! We are beating down the darkness!!

We'll also spend some time exploring the left-wing Liberal media and the Liberal colleges who are attempting to destroy America from within. Let us begin with the most simple of lessons. Lesson 1: When Liberals abandon their darkened principles for the Conservative light, they often improve their lives. What does that tell us about which ideas are superior?

Thursday, June 01, 2006

What is Conservatism?

Conservative does not mean Republican! If you've been educated in a public skrewl, let me translate that first sentence for you: The Republican Party is no longer Conservative. If you live in South Florida and don't have a clue about the voting process or our current two-party system, you'll just have to muddle through the best way you can! In the meantime, let's talk about something all you Liberal retirees in Florida DO understand: money.

Instead of starting this weblog with an all-out assault on Liberalism (do not worry, Conservative friend, I am loaded for Liberal bear), we will begin by defining Conservatism. The more we are familiar with the true objectives of Conservatism, the quicker we will be able to recognize the counterfeit Liberal Lies. Since 1988, the Liberal wackos have routinely slandered Conservatives as racist, sexist, bigot homophobes. They've not slacked off in 2006, but the cliche has lost its punch - because true Conservatives have started to punch back!!

Conservatives take pride in America's strength, cherish her goodness, prize her accomplishments, relish her spirit, revere her freedom, and treasure her history. The foundation of Conservatism is individual liberty. By contrast, the Liberal wackos are concerned only with pushing for more government control. As Ronald Reagan expressed in his first inaugural address: "We are a nation that has a government -- not the other way around. And this makes us special among the nations of the earth." This is a uniqueness that is well-worth conserving. That's the true meaning of Conservative.

Embracing Liberalism is the most gutless choice one can make - all you need is emotion. Conservatism requires both heart and brain. There are countless minions (oops, I mean millions) of Liberal wackos wandering the electronic media. On these pages, we will discuss both the twisting of the truth and the twisters. We will expose the core of Liberalism - and in the end, you will be able to argue effectively with even the hardest of Liberal wackos. That's because you have the truth in your corner!