Thursday, June 22, 2006

Attention: Weapons of Mass Destruction Found

Our U.S. military found hundreds of chemical and biological weapons in Iraq today. What's that you say? Haven't heard a peep about the discovery. You can thank the Liberal media for keeping you in the dark.

The Liberal Left has been screaming "Liar! Liar! Pants on Fire!" for so long, I can barely remember when the Liberal rhetoric started. I'm sorry...did I say rhetoric? I meant treason. Don't get me wrong, it's obvious even the most ignorant Liberal wacko knew Saddam Hussein had Weapons of Mass Destruction. Many of them were huddled around the Appropriations Committee during the Clinton Administration and saw the invoices/receipts.

In this case, it is evidentially ironic that the Leftists have been screaming "Liar! Liar!" between shots of tequila and at the tops of their smoke-filled lungs. These are the same people who try to sell the idea that "There is no Liberal media!" We don't need a CSI forensics expert to see through Nancy Pelosi (a senior member of the House Appropriations Committee). She knows the WMDs have been in Iraq since the first shout. Perhaps her college education is to blame for feeding her all that Liberal ... um, anti-American propaganda.

If you're a fellow Conservative, I'm sure you understand the mainstream media is the marketing department of the Liberal Left, and our own colleges and universities generate the propaganda. Case in point: You won't find the WMD Discovery story in the mainstream media (well, not until they're backed into the Corner of Truth). This is the way it happens, time after time. It's a shame that our valiant soldiers who found the weapons in Iraq aren't hailed as heroes. Too bad victory is not part of the Liberal Left plan.


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