Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Superman Returns to Save the Liberal Left Agenda

Your first question might be "Why isn't this a Pop Culture Saturday post?" I'll tell you, my Conservative friend - it's because the Liberal wackos in Hollyweird have distorted an American superhero! Superman first appeared in Action Comics (1938), and during World War II Clark Kent's alter ego fought against Nazi tyranny. The catch phrase for the Superman radio show was "...for Truth, Justice, and the American Way!"

The new Superman movie (which opens today in theaters across America) uses a distortion of this catch phrase that eliminates "...the American Way" completely. The new phrase is "...for Truth, Justice, and all that stuff!" Seems the Liberal wackos in Hollyweird cannot stomach the American Way. It is not politically correct to have an American Way. This is the foundation for Liberal stupidity - a hatred for America. As an American Conservative, I cherish what America has stood for during our last 230 years.

During the last six years, several actors and actresses have threatened to leave the continental United States if particular things happened. Alec Baldwin has screeched the loudest, yet he is still living in the continental United States. Can you not find the nearest exit, Alec? Perhaps you were educated at a public skrewl. I learned in high school geometry that the shortest distance between two points is a straight line. Which reminds me: Bryan Singer (the Director of Superman Returns) is openly gay.

There are many agendas at work through Superman Returns. The changing of the catch phrase is merely the tip of the iceberg - but it is also the perfect picture of a cooperative effort between the Liberal Left, the propagandists in Hollyweird, and the Homosexual activists. Don't think for a second these groups truly believe in Truth, Justice, and the American Way. And let's not even try to define what "all that stuff" means.


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