Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Goodbye, Dan Blather!!

If the Liberal Left has a marketing department, then Dan Blather was certainly its Director. When I say Dan Blather, I mean the guy who sat in the CBS anchor chair for 24 years. He helped to forge documents that would cast a bad light on President Bush. This is Blather's legacy, much like Monica Lewinsky is Bill Clinton's legacy. He did also spend a few years telling us there was a war going on in Vietnam.

I don't know if it is dramatic irony or journalistic justice that forced Blather out the door this week, but after his treatment of Walter Cronkite in early 1981, he certainly deserves to be out on his ass. The shadow of the Rathergate scandal (remember those forged documents??) will follow him the rest of his a stain on his blue dress. It takes pain like this for America to understand the Liberal Left is not in touch with reality.

I got a great birthday present last year when CBS asked Blather to step down from the newsdesk in the midst of the scandal. After a year of whining and complaining that he could no longer "sit around doing nothing" (typical Liberal Left whiner, as reported by the Associated Press), Blather has been pointed in the direction of the CBS News front door. I wonder if he had to clean out his own desk. Maybe Moonves (the CBS Executive supervisor) granted him a dying wish and allowed Blather to use the services of a CBS News intern.

It wouldn't be the first time an intern was involved in a Liberal Left scandal! Celebrate good times! C'mon! Where's Kool and the Gang when you need them? Oh, they're probably playing Blather's Farewell Party. Goodbye, Dan!! You deserve what you got.


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