Friday, June 23, 2006

Anthony Romero and the Prince of Darkness (An ACLU Story)

Anthony Romero is the devil incarnate! That being said, you've probably never heard of Tony Romero - but I guarantee you've heard of the organization he presides over. Liberal wacko Anthony Romero is the Executive Director of the American Civil Liberies Union (ACLU) , the most anti-Christian organization in the United States. Bear in mind that the ACLU claims to fight for the First Amendment.

Erica Corder - an 18-year-old graduating senior at Lewis-Palmer High School in Monument (Colorado) - mentioned Jesus Christ in her commencement speech and urged listeners to learn more about his sacrifice. After the valedictory address, school officials told Corder she would not receive her diploma until she wrote an e-mail to the school community's students and parents, apologizing for her comments. This is a degree Erica has earned over the course of four years. No doubt the case will end up in court.

The Colorado office of the ACLU was actively pursuing sanctions even before Corder stepped up to the microphone. The actions of the school to censor the graduating senior were guided by the organization. It is well-known that the primary mission of the ACLU is "to preserve First Amendment rights" - of course, this only applies if you are NOT a Christian. Is Anthony Romero- the first openly gay Director of the ACLU - going to hell? Probably. What about his organization?

A little known fact about the ACLU is that it is NOT a government organization. It is a private non-profit (yeah, right!!) and non-partisan (another Liberal Lie!!) organization. If the supporters of the ACLU would pull their heads out of the sand long enough to actually read the United States Constitution, they would see it says freedom of religion, NOT freedom from religion. But then they are more concerned with censoring an 18 year old senior from Colorado than with reading the Constitution.


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