Monday, June 26, 2006

Big Liberal Lie: Separation of Church and State

Sometimes the ignorance of the Liberal Left is incomprehensible. The only explanation is that the Liberal agenda pushed by organizations such as the ACLU and is orchestrated by Satan himself. Such is the case with one of the biggest Liberal lies - the separation of church and state. The key question here is "Does the First Amendment of the Constitution establish the separation of church and state?" Short answer: No.

The First Amendment states that "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof." The amendment was ratified by the states in order to prevent the Federal Government from establishing a national denominational church, such as existed in England. The intent of the amendment was to provide an atmosphere in which the Judeo-Christian religion could flourish. It protected the biblical legal base of our country, while at the same time avoiding a national church.

The Liberal idiots supported by the godless ACLU on the separation of church and state as justification for eliminating religious issues from public view. These Liberal social engineers have declared that Christians are the enemy. They deny the Christian roots of American democracy - but we are standing up for the truth. They resent how Christians pose constant reminders that God possesses the absolute standards of right and wrong - and the public skrewls are at the forefront of the battlefield.

These Liberal wackos want to achieve a new humanistic America where our children will enjoy "freedom from religion." They do not respect God's definition of the family and they attempt to rewrite the guidelines for morality. These Liberal wackos believe man has the only answers for himself. We Christians irritate these Liberal wackos when we proclaim the truth of God's liberating love. We infuriate them when we remind them of our Lord's true and steadfast faithfulness.

For those who know the Bible, this is not a surprise: "All men will hate you because of me, but he who stands firm to the end will be saved." [Matthew 10:22] Stand up to these Liberal morons, my Conservative friend. They are already on the losing end of this spiritual battle!


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