Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Prominent Gay Activists Push Against Legal Limits

We are looking at the end of marriage as we know it, my Conservative friend! With increased frequency in recent months, the defenders of marriage have been sounding the alarm about the real goals of the so-called "gay marriage" movement. The supporters of this movement have preached that everything which makes a marital relationship worthwhile to heterosexual couples, to their children, and to the state would apply to gay couples as well. The Conservative defenders of marriage saw through this "gay marriage" scam.

Scholars like Hadley Arkes and Robert George noted that by rejecting the grounding foundation of marriage (the unique unity possible only between one man and one woman) the state would lose the basis for refusing to recognize polygamous and polyamorous marriages. For those educated in the public skrewl, that means marriages of one man to multiple women and multiple men to multiple women. For pointing this out, Arkes and George were called scaremongers. As it turns out, they were prophets.

Gay rights leaders have explicitly endorsed relationships consisting of multiple (more than two) sexual partners. They have even argued that justice requires both state recognition and universal acceptance of such relationships. They recently released a statement (entitled Beyond Gay Marriage) in the New York Times. The statement was disguised as a full-page ad, but it lists several examples of polygamous and polyamorous relationships.

This list is mild compared to what follows: The gay activists demand the legal recognition of "queer couples who decide to jointly create and raise a child with another queer person or couple in two households." The language is breathtaking! Queer couples (plural) who jointly create a child? And intentionally raise the child in two (queer) households? Of course, no reference is made to the child's welfare - only to the fulfillment of queer desires. This logic would result in the abolition of marriage as we know it.


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