Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Big Liberal Lie: Stem Cell Research is Dead

The Liberal media is buzzing with news that President Bush destroyed stem cell research last week with one non-stroke of his pen. I hope that you are intelligent enough, my Conservative friend, to realize that the buzz is merely a big Liberal lie! Bush used his pen last week to approve a limitation on stem cell research ... and then in a stroke of genius, he put the pen down and refused to sign the second. It was the first time he'd used his presidential veto power since winning the election in 2000. For those unscrupulous twits educated in the public skrewl, let's review the three bills that have been packaged in Washington:
  • S. 3504 (Fetus Farming Prohibition Act) bars the acceptance of tissue from an embryo implanted or developed in a woman or animal solely for research purposes. The Senate passed this bill 100-0, and the House also pushed it through unanimously. Bush signed this bill into law on July 19.
  • S. 2754 (Alternative Stem Cell Therapies Act) would have promoted the development of embryo-like stem cells without creating or knowingly harming embryos. To understand this bill, you must take some time to educate yourself about the several different types of stem cells. The bill passed the Senate but failed in the House.
  • H.R. 810 (Stem Cell Research Enhancement Act) would have provided federal funds for stem cell research that destroys embryos. This is the controversial bill that passed both the House and the Senate. Bush vetoed the bill on July 19. There are not enough votes in the Congress to override the veto.
The Alternative Stem Cell Therapies Act was introduced in the Senate by Sen. Richard Santorum (R-Pa) on May 5, 2006. Since it failed in the House, the bill is now dead. However, Rep. Roscoe Bartlett (R-Md) introduced [H.R. 5526] a similar bill in the House on June 6. The political process in Congress will probably have this bill stalled in committee for a lifetime. The bottom line is that stem cell research is still a living science.

In a future post to this forum, I will attempt to explain the lies perpetrated on the American public by the scientific community and all the reasons it was morally right for President Bush to veto H.R. 810 - these are things the Liberal wackos cannot understand. All they know is what they learned in kindergarten.


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