Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Big Liberal Lie: Not As Safe As We Were Before 9/11

Every weekday morning at 7:00, Vice Admiral John Scott Redd, the Director of the National Counter-Terrorism Center (NCTC) in northern Virginia, picks up the intelligence report that lists as many as 60 or 70 potential terrorist threats against the United States. The white binder is four inches thick, and each copy is specially numbered for the person receiving it. Admiral Redd gets number one. Inside the binder, a 16-page document called the Threat Matrix lists the latest threats.

The Threat Matrix notes the type and reliability of the source for each threat, such as: "new source, unevaluated, first time reporting" or "established source, generally reliable, provided reliable information in the past." The binder also contains a situation report produced by the Center. Before 9/11, the U.S. President (Liberal idiots should interpret that as "Bill Clinton") did not bring together all the intelligence on possible terrorist plots. Clinton did not make sure the appropriate agencies were pursuing leads. Truth be told, Clinton took a more active role in dismantling our nation's intelligence agencies.

At the NCTC, Admiral Redd meets with a small group of analysts at 7:15 a.m. and whittles down the list of plots against the U.S. to perhaps 25 or 30. Tossed out are plots from walk-ins who may be looking for money and seem flaky or offer details that don't check out (these are the folks educated in our public skrewls). Fifteen minutes later, Redd meets with a larger group and cuts the number of threats to be scrutinized to 10 or 20. "Some days you get stuff that's just off the wall," Admiral Redd said in an interview. "But you gotta take it all seriously."

The plot born in London was foiled because the NCTC, along with the FBI, CIA, and NSA, had been working closely with the British during the investigation. According to the portrayal by the wacko Liberal media, the FBI and CIA don't talk to each other. At the NCTC, they not only talk to each other, they sit side by side 24 hours a day in a 10,000-square-foot operations center, sharing information and leads. This level of cooperation will most likely be dismantled by Hillary Rodham if she is elected President in 2008. We cannot let that happen!


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