Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Big Liberal Lie: There's No Plan for Victory in Iraq

President Bush is quoted recently as saying "We're not pulling out of Iraq until the job is done!" Liberal wackos took the opportunity to pounce on the Administration for what they wrongly perceive as a lack of planning. The problem is that victory in Iraq is not in the Liberal vocabulary. I disagree wholeheartedly with anyone who propagates the lies of the Liberal media. I disagree with anyone who does not want to commit to victory in the War on Terrorism.

Despite the media propaganda, W does have a master plan. He's had a master plan since 9/11, and it's only the media that wants to confuse the facts. I have said it before, and I will say it again: ALL Islamic extremists should be wiped off the face of the map. Al Quaeda is an extremist group. Hezbollah is a sister extremist group. Taliban is another sister extremist group. There are other extremist groups spread around the Mideast. There are even cells of these groups here in the States.

Bush said exactly what he meant after 9/11... "We must be in this war for the long haul!!" And I know it is better to keep the enemy confused and running scared over there than have IEDs exploding in our streets here. I do believe the speech aboard the aircraft carrier was ill-conceived... and meant to appease the uninformed. This is NOT a war like Vietnam. We are not fighting a single nationality bent on annexing more land, but groups of religious extremists out to kill me and anyone like me.

I predict that there will be no extensive changes in the Patriot Act during the next two years. There will be no draw-down of troops. The War on Terrorism will continue... with some well-considered changes in tactics. Some of the faces will change - but the master plan will stay the same! In three words, the plan is "Clear, Hold, Build" - and I'm comfortable with that.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

10 Beliefs of Blind Liberalism

I discovered this list in another forum, but thought it was more than appropriate as a post in Big Liberal Lies. It no longer surprises me that Liberals are so blind to the hypocrisy. I hope you enjoy this eye-opening list, my Conservative friend!!
  1. You have to be against capital punishment, but support abortion on demand.
  2. You have to believe that businesses create oppression and governments create prosperity.
  3. You have to believe that guns in the hands of law-abiding citizens are more of a threat than U.S. nuclear weapons in the hands of Islamic extremists.
  4. You have to believe that global temperatures are less affected by cyclical changes in the earth's climate and more affected by soccer moms driving SUV's.
  5. You have to believe that gender roles are artificial, but homosexuality is natural.
  6. You have to believe that the AIDS virus is spread by a lack of federal funding.
  7. You have to believe that self-esteem is more important than actually doing something to earn it.
  8. You have to believe that Mel Gibson spent $25 million of his own money to make The Passion of the Christ for financial gain only.
  9. You have to believe the NRA is bad because it supports certain parts of the Constitution, while the ACLU is good because it supports certain parts of the Constitution.
  10. You have to believe that the only reason socialism hasn't worked anywhere it's been tried is because the right people haven't been in charge.
I realize this is not a complete list of Blind Liberal beliefs, but it's a great start. If you'd like to be reminded of the definition of Conservative, you should review the very first post from June 2006. As we head into the Thanksgiving holidays, I am thankful that I have enough intelligence to recognize blind Liberalism. After all, it DOES take a brain to be Conservative!!

Saturday, November 18, 2006

Pop Culture Saturday: Gayle Haggard and Forgiveness

Pop Culture Saturday is intended to be a more light-hearted look at American culture; however, today's post may have very serious spiritual implications.

Ted Haggard, outspoken senior pastor of New Life Church, recently confessed to having an affair with a homosexual prostitute. Needless to say, the some-odd 14,000 members of the Colorado mega-church are shocked and dismayed at the confession. There has been none more affected by the confession than Ted's wife. In a letter to the women of New Life, Gayle explains beautifully how the circumstances have affected her and how she intends to move forward.
I am so sorry for the circumstances that have led me to write this letter to you today. I know your hearts are broken; mine is as well. Yet my hope rests steadfastly in the Lord who is forever faithful. What I want you to know is that I love my husband, Ted Haggard, with all my heart. I am committed to him until death do us part. We started this journey together and with the grce of God, we will finish together.

If I were standing before you today, I would not change one iota of what I have been teaching the women of our church. For those of you who have been concerned that my marriage was so perfect I could not possibly relate to the women who are facing great difficulties, know that this will never again be the case. My test has begun - watch me. I will try to prove myself faithful. I love you all so much, especially you young women - you were my delight.

To all the church family of New Life Church, Ted and I are so proud of you. You are all we hoped you would be. In our minds, there is no greater church. As you try to make some sense of these past few days, know that Ted believes with all his heart and soul everything he has ever taught you, those things you were putting into practice. He is now the visible and public evidence that every man, woman, and child needs a savior.
As my pastor here in Greenville pointed out this week, Ted's sin has removed him from his office - but it has not removed him from his ministry. As a consequence of his sin, Ted will probably never pastor a church again. But office and ministry are two different things. While the clueless scoff at his "fall from grace" Ted's ministry (and the ministry of his wife) will continue - and apparently without interruption judging from the letter by his Christian wife.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Big Liberal Lie: Bush Policies Will Change Direction

With Republican bodies still warm, the Liberal media is already spinning the force of change for the next two years. They say "Now that voters have voted for change, President Bush will surely recognize the error of his ways and change direction." Wrong! If you were president on 9/11 and wished you had done more to prevent the deaths of almost 3,000 people, would you change direction if you believed your policies were helping prevent the next terrorist attack? That is the heart of Bush's approach — and the heart of the public's misunderstanding about the man.

Indeed, Bush will do what he can to accommodate Nancy Pelosi and her Liberal locksteppers. He has had breakfast with Princess Pelosi and invited her to other White House functions. What the public does not understand about Bush is that he is an anti-politician. He loves being with people, he loves campaigning, and he loves to win. But like Harry Truman, he has an aversion to the acting and pretense of politics. "He dislikes snobs, hypocrites, the glitterati, and the so-called intelligentsia," Collister Johnson commented. Collister was one of Bush's roommates at Yale.

According to Clay Johnson (another Yale roommate and the current deputy director of the OMB), Bush's distaste for pretense is why he makes his trademark smirks or half smiles, a gesture that many interpret as arrogance. The smirk is not a sign of arrogance but rather an effort to convey his feeling that he is participating in a charade. In recent months, the media has depicted the White House as distraught and distracted. Wrong again! They never got what Bush is all about. He did not seek office to win popularity - he ran to achieve long-term fundamental change that would leave the country and the world a safer place.

Bush isn't particularly interested in his place in history, either. Like any good CEO, he simply wants results and views challenges as opportunities. When Truman left office, his approval rating stood at 25 percent and the press called him a simpleton. Because of his firm approach to national security, Truman is viewed as one of the great presidents. The Democratic press also disparaged Abraham Lincoln and Ronald Reagan. Obviously, the Liberal media has portrayed Bush as a buffoon, a religious fanatic, or a monster with the temerity to topple a man who had killed 300,000 people, not to mention liberating 50 million people. Change direction?? No way. Righteous leaders always stay the course.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Americans Participate in the Election Process Today

The polls are now open on the East Coast. I encourage everyone to participate in the election process today by voting. I don't think we've heard this often enough: If you don't vote, you have no right to complain!

Monday, November 06, 2006

Washington Post Involved with Hit and Run Campaigning

The Liberal media is pulling out all the stops in an attempt to help Liberal Democrats gain control of the Senate. One of the best examples is what they are doing to Maryland Lt. Gov. Michael Steele - who is campaigning as a Republican for the U.S. Senate. In a recent editorial, the Post characterized Steele as ignorant of the issues. Eager to talk back to the Liberal rag, Steele described the treatment on Fox News Sunday as "absolutely pitiful" then continued with "[They've said] that I bring nothing to the table but the color of my skin."

"My conversation with the [Washington Post] editorial board didn't go the way they wanted it to go because I wouldn't answer the questions the way they wanted me to answer them," Steele continued. "I'm my own person. I don't care about the Washington Post. The Washington Post is not going to get me elected. The Washington Post is not going to prevent me from getting elected. They [Post editorial board] are a bunch of folks who have no clue what real life is about out here."

The Post has written several Liberal editorials against Steele. "How many times have you seen the Washington Post do so many editorials on a candidate that they didn't even endorse? It makes no sense. Clearly, Steele must be winning this race, and the Washington Post will have to write the headline, "Steele Wins!!" Of course, they'd have to acknowledge the truth first. But Michael Steele is not the only victim of Liberal media bias. Republican candidate Vernon Robinson in North Carolina has been labeled "Out of Touch" by the wackos.

Why so much attention on these two candidates? Is it their conservative approach to the economy, public education, and the War on Terrorism? Partially. What really irks the Washington Post as well as many other Liberal media outlets is that Steele and Robinson are both black candidates "who should know better than to go against the big black lobby." These are two national races that I will be watching tomorrow as voters decide who goes to Washington for the next six years. One thing is for sure: Only the idiots believe there is no Liberal media!

Saturday, November 04, 2006

Pop Culture Saturday: Big Tobacco Smokes Public

Pop Culture Saturday is intended to be a more light-hearted look at American culture. There's much more going on in America than the darkness of Liberalism.

Greenville County (South Carolina) recently passed an ordinance prohibiting smoking inside most public facilities - including restaurants and bars - and within 10 feet of the entrance. As I explained in a previous post, I want smoking to be taxed out of existence. So what about the prohibition? I believe that prohibiting smoking in public places is a band-aid approach to a seriously nasty, self-destructive habit. Smoking also has significant impacts on the cost of healthcare in the United States. The Big Tobacco companies lost the multi-million dollar lawsuit a few years ago because of the purposefully addictive nature of cigarettes.

People who choose to smoke are electing to die by cancer or emphysema (a chronic lung disease). If you're a smoker, you certainly have the privilege to commit suicide by smoke - but you don't have the right to expose me to your carcinogens. As part of the agreement in Big Tobacco's loss, the companies were required to produce media campaigns to deter the youth of America from picking up the addictive habit. But critics are speculating whether this anti-smoking initiative was genuine - or just another clever advertising stunt to hook a new generation of potential smokers.

According to Danny McGoldrick of the Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids, the ads released by Big Tobacco were duplicitous in nature. "The tobacco companies are up to their old tricks," he told Healthday. A recent investigation into tobacco commercials and their rates of exposure to young children, which was the idea behind this theory, revealed that many found smoking to be less dangerous, more acceptable and showed a higher likelihood of taking on the habit at a later age. As anti-smoking activists, McGoldrick and I are growing increasingly distressed.

Carolyn Levy, Director of the Philip-Morris youth smoking prevention programs, admitted that the aim of their programs was to delay smoking until age 18. As a result, kids still believe that smoking is all right. Let me be clear: addiction to nicotine and other toxic substances is never all right! By contrast, the objective of public health-funded programs is to encourage people to never take up smoking. The anti-smoking campaign is merely a public relations stunt by Big Tobacco to serve the needs of drug dealers like Philip-Morris.