Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Big Liberal Lie: There's No Plan for Victory in Iraq

President Bush is quoted recently as saying "We're not pulling out of Iraq until the job is done!" Liberal wackos took the opportunity to pounce on the Administration for what they wrongly perceive as a lack of planning. The problem is that victory in Iraq is not in the Liberal vocabulary. I disagree wholeheartedly with anyone who propagates the lies of the Liberal media. I disagree with anyone who does not want to commit to victory in the War on Terrorism.

Despite the media propaganda, W does have a master plan. He's had a master plan since 9/11, and it's only the media that wants to confuse the facts. I have said it before, and I will say it again: ALL Islamic extremists should be wiped off the face of the map. Al Quaeda is an extremist group. Hezbollah is a sister extremist group. Taliban is another sister extremist group. There are other extremist groups spread around the Mideast. There are even cells of these groups here in the States.

Bush said exactly what he meant after 9/11... "We must be in this war for the long haul!!" And I know it is better to keep the enemy confused and running scared over there than have IEDs exploding in our streets here. I do believe the speech aboard the aircraft carrier was ill-conceived... and meant to appease the uninformed. This is NOT a war like Vietnam. We are not fighting a single nationality bent on annexing more land, but groups of religious extremists out to kill me and anyone like me.

I predict that there will be no extensive changes in the Patriot Act during the next two years. There will be no draw-down of troops. The War on Terrorism will continue... with some well-considered changes in tactics. Some of the faces will change - but the master plan will stay the same! In three words, the plan is "Clear, Hold, Build" - and I'm comfortable with that.


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