Saturday, November 18, 2006

Pop Culture Saturday: Gayle Haggard and Forgiveness

Pop Culture Saturday is intended to be a more light-hearted look at American culture; however, today's post may have very serious spiritual implications.

Ted Haggard, outspoken senior pastor of New Life Church, recently confessed to having an affair with a homosexual prostitute. Needless to say, the some-odd 14,000 members of the Colorado mega-church are shocked and dismayed at the confession. There has been none more affected by the confession than Ted's wife. In a letter to the women of New Life, Gayle explains beautifully how the circumstances have affected her and how she intends to move forward.
I am so sorry for the circumstances that have led me to write this letter to you today. I know your hearts are broken; mine is as well. Yet my hope rests steadfastly in the Lord who is forever faithful. What I want you to know is that I love my husband, Ted Haggard, with all my heart. I am committed to him until death do us part. We started this journey together and with the grce of God, we will finish together.

If I were standing before you today, I would not change one iota of what I have been teaching the women of our church. For those of you who have been concerned that my marriage was so perfect I could not possibly relate to the women who are facing great difficulties, know that this will never again be the case. My test has begun - watch me. I will try to prove myself faithful. I love you all so much, especially you young women - you were my delight.

To all the church family of New Life Church, Ted and I are so proud of you. You are all we hoped you would be. In our minds, there is no greater church. As you try to make some sense of these past few days, know that Ted believes with all his heart and soul everything he has ever taught you, those things you were putting into practice. He is now the visible and public evidence that every man, woman, and child needs a savior.
As my pastor here in Greenville pointed out this week, Ted's sin has removed him from his office - but it has not removed him from his ministry. As a consequence of his sin, Ted will probably never pastor a church again. But office and ministry are two different things. While the clueless scoff at his "fall from grace" Ted's ministry (and the ministry of his wife) will continue - and apparently without interruption judging from the letter by his Christian wife.


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