Tuesday, November 21, 2006

10 Beliefs of Blind Liberalism

I discovered this list in another forum, but thought it was more than appropriate as a post in Big Liberal Lies. It no longer surprises me that Liberals are so blind to the hypocrisy. I hope you enjoy this eye-opening list, my Conservative friend!!
  1. You have to be against capital punishment, but support abortion on demand.
  2. You have to believe that businesses create oppression and governments create prosperity.
  3. You have to believe that guns in the hands of law-abiding citizens are more of a threat than U.S. nuclear weapons in the hands of Islamic extremists.
  4. You have to believe that global temperatures are less affected by cyclical changes in the earth's climate and more affected by soccer moms driving SUV's.
  5. You have to believe that gender roles are artificial, but homosexuality is natural.
  6. You have to believe that the AIDS virus is spread by a lack of federal funding.
  7. You have to believe that self-esteem is more important than actually doing something to earn it.
  8. You have to believe that Mel Gibson spent $25 million of his own money to make The Passion of the Christ for financial gain only.
  9. You have to believe the NRA is bad because it supports certain parts of the Constitution, while the ACLU is good because it supports certain parts of the Constitution.
  10. You have to believe that the only reason socialism hasn't worked anywhere it's been tried is because the right people haven't been in charge.
I realize this is not a complete list of Blind Liberal beliefs, but it's a great start. If you'd like to be reminded of the definition of Conservative, you should review the very first post from June 2006. As we head into the Thanksgiving holidays, I am thankful that I have enough intelligence to recognize blind Liberalism. After all, it DOES take a brain to be Conservative!!


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