Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Big Liberal Lie: Bush Policies Will Change Direction

With Republican bodies still warm, the Liberal media is already spinning the force of change for the next two years. They say "Now that voters have voted for change, President Bush will surely recognize the error of his ways and change direction." Wrong! If you were president on 9/11 and wished you had done more to prevent the deaths of almost 3,000 people, would you change direction if you believed your policies were helping prevent the next terrorist attack? That is the heart of Bush's approach — and the heart of the public's misunderstanding about the man.

Indeed, Bush will do what he can to accommodate Nancy Pelosi and her Liberal locksteppers. He has had breakfast with Princess Pelosi and invited her to other White House functions. What the public does not understand about Bush is that he is an anti-politician. He loves being with people, he loves campaigning, and he loves to win. But like Harry Truman, he has an aversion to the acting and pretense of politics. "He dislikes snobs, hypocrites, the glitterati, and the so-called intelligentsia," Collister Johnson commented. Collister was one of Bush's roommates at Yale.

According to Clay Johnson (another Yale roommate and the current deputy director of the OMB), Bush's distaste for pretense is why he makes his trademark smirks or half smiles, a gesture that many interpret as arrogance. The smirk is not a sign of arrogance but rather an effort to convey his feeling that he is participating in a charade. In recent months, the media has depicted the White House as distraught and distracted. Wrong again! They never got what Bush is all about. He did not seek office to win popularity - he ran to achieve long-term fundamental change that would leave the country and the world a safer place.

Bush isn't particularly interested in his place in history, either. Like any good CEO, he simply wants results and views challenges as opportunities. When Truman left office, his approval rating stood at 25 percent and the press called him a simpleton. Because of his firm approach to national security, Truman is viewed as one of the great presidents. The Democratic press also disparaged Abraham Lincoln and Ronald Reagan. Obviously, the Liberal media has portrayed Bush as a buffoon, a religious fanatic, or a monster with the temerity to topple a man who had killed 300,000 people, not to mention liberating 50 million people. Change direction?? No way. Righteous leaders always stay the course.


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