Monday, September 11, 2006

Liberal Dumocrat Message: 9/11 Deaths are Meaningless

From sea to shining sea today, the people of these United States are remembering the tragedy of September 11, 2001. Today is the five year anniversary of the attack on American soil - and Americans are once again reaching deep within to sympathize with the loss of loved ones at the World Trade Center, the Pentagon, and in a field just outside of Shanksville, Pennsylvania. Well, all Americans except for the Liberal Dumocrats! The Dumocrats are using memorial events today to help raise support for the mid-term elections in two months. As an American I am outraged by this stupidity!

A prime example of this utter stupidity is what happened at the memorial event in Arlington, Virginia - the location of the terrorist attack using the 184 passengers aboard American Flight 77 to crash into the Pentagon. The event included the annual 5K run sponsored by the Arlington Police/Sheriff/Fire departments as well as addresses by public service officials. One of the speakers was U.S. Representative Jim Moran. Dim Jim did not talk about national security (of course, the Dumocrats know they are weak on national security). Instead, he focused on the only message these Liberals will spout these days: Bush is bad! We know the Liberal agenda, and we can smell it from here!

Less than a minute after Dim Jim took the stage, he started in with the line from the 2006 Liberal playbook: Bush is bad. The Dumocrats don't want to talk about a War on Terrorism. The Liberal media wants to sell this as a War in Iraq. Dim Jim had no intention of honoring the lives that were lost at the Pentagon, much less the lives of those who were in the Trade Center and on American Flight 77. If you're a Conservative, you can imagine what the relatives of the victims felt about Jim's comments. One relative in particular was so outraged that she spoke up at the Arlington event. "My brother died on 9/11, you creep! Don't make this political!"

And what was the response of the Liberal wackos attending the Dim Jim "political rally" after hearing the disgust of the relative? A few of them told her to shut up. "Your brother is not important! You are not important! Now just let him speak..." they told her. They sent her away in tears. House Majority Leader John Boehner said it clearly: "Democrats are more concerned with protecting terrorists than they are with protecting the American people." The Dumocrats don't want to admit that 9/11 happened... or they try to say that George Bush caused the entire tragedy (when Slick Willy is the true culprit). It's all about getting elected in November.


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