Friday, August 18, 2006

Big Liberal Lie: There Is No Religion in the Public Skrewls

The new school year is upon us - and with these first days of the 2006-2007 school year, my thoughts go out to the unfortunate souls who will be forced to survive in public skrewl. Drugs are rampant in our public skrewls (despite the Just Say No campaign that was born in New York in 1980). Violence in the public skrewls has increased exponentially in recent years (despite the Zero Tolerance Policy that began in California in 1986). Middle-schoolers are becoming more and more sexually active (despite massive funding for programs such as Abstinence-Only and Abstinence-Plus).

Sex education in the public skrewls is now a full-blown controversy. Many schools are hosting what they call chastity events, where the students sign a pledge to refrain from sexual activity. Wouldn't you know it, the ACLU has forced their way into the battle in an effort to keep any mention of God or religion out of the pledge process. Anthony Romero is indeed going to hell! My question today, despite the ACLU's involvement, is this: Are public skrewls allowed to promote religion? Answer: YES.

Secular Humanism has been the established religion in American public skrewls for several decades now. The United States Supreme Court has identified Secular Humanism as a religion. It ruled that the First Amendment grants the same protection and imposes the same limitations on the "religion of Secular Humanism" as are applicable to other religions. The doctrines of Humanism have been set forth in two Humanist Manifestos. The first tenet of Manifesto 1 states "Religious humanists regard the universe as self-existing and not created." This is not just a philosophy - it is a way of life!

Humanist Manifesto 2 contains the following statement: "We affirm that moral values derive their source from human experience. Ethics is autonomous and situational, needing no theological or ideological sanction. Ethics stems from human need and interest. To deny this distorts the whole basis of life." These tenets of Humanism are diametrically opposed to the basic principles of Christianity. The public skrewls are in this depraved condition because they have removed the truth and replaced it with a big liberal lie. Do not let your children be taken in by the lie!


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