Thursday, August 24, 2006

Death of Liberalism - Part 1

One of the bumper stickers I've pasted to the rear window of my vehicle says "Liberalism is a Curable Disease!" It is not surprising that the statement would get mixed reviews as I am toodling around town and driving on the Interstate. I occasionally get someone at a stoplight who asks me where I purchased the bumper sticker. Most of the conservative items I purchase from CafePress online. They offer everything from coffee mugs and t-shirts to hats and specialty items - from both sides of the political aisle. Attention Liberals: You're the disease! I'm the cure! (to quote Sylvester Stallone).

The darkness of Liberalism has a profound destructive effect on the morals of our society. Dr. Richard Land of the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission has documented many of these destructive effects - both within the church and beyond. If you are interested in reading about the death of Liberalism, Dr. Land suggests several different resources:
  • The Fertility Gap (by Arthur Brooks) - Liberal politics will prove fruitless as long as liberals refuse to multiply. The Liberal wackos have ignored the youth vote for decades.
  • Liberal Baby Bust (by Phillip Longman) - Liberal progressives are so much less likely to have children. It's a pattern throughout the world.
  • Roe Effect (by Larry Eastland) - Abortion is costing the Democrats voters, figuratively and literally. Missing voters (due to abortion) gave Bush the victory in 2000.
  • Liberal Christianity (by Charlotte Allen) - Liberal Christianity is paying for its sins as gay marriage and sexist doctrines are gutting liberal churches (except in California).
  • God Lite (by Dave Shiflett) - I bought Shiflett's book Exodus: Why Americans are Fleeing Liberal Churches for Conservative Christianity, and I haven't been able to put it down.
  • Why Are Conservative Churches Growing? (by Albert Mohler) - It's no secret that Conservative churches draw strength from their beliefs and practices.
  • Problems with Biopolitics (by Joseph D'Agostino) - Liberal progressives attach themselves to ideas and policies with a 40-year record of failure.


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