Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Joe Lieberman: Diamond in a Steaming Pile of Cow Dung

In an extremely tight race for a U.S. Senate seat in Connecticut, challenger Ned Lamont narrowly defeated incumbent Joseph Lieberman last week. Lieberman remains on the ballot running as an Independent - and today he has a 2 percent lead over Lamont. This is the same Joseph Lieberman the Democrats hoisted as the Vice Presidential candidate with Algore in 2000. They praised Lieberman as a man with backbone and vision. Joe Lieberman is proving he has backbone and vision - and the self-destructing Democrats are growing increasingly angry about it. It's amazing how much difference 6 years can make!

Joseph Lieberman visits the Mideast about 4 times a year. He sees firsthand the progress that troops are making in Iraq (the progress that the idiot Liberal media wants to hide from you). Lieberman had the vision to suggest that setting a deadline for bringing U.S. troops home would only bolster terrorist plans for attacks against the U.S. and its allies. He had the backbone to stand up and say the Democratic Party was out of the political mainstream. Lieberman's comments prompted a senior Democratic aide to say "he hurts our ability to take back the senate."

That's what the Democratic fertilizer is all about! And it's not because Ned Lamont is such a great candidate! He is a single-issue "peace candidate" with a very simple mind. Lamont comes to the campaign for U.S. Senate from absolutely nowhere - and it shows nowhere better than in his shallow statements on public issues. Of course, he also thinks that U.S. troops should be replaced by the U.N. in Iraq - proving that he knows nothing about the history of the idea. He grasps little of the complexities of the issue. Lamont is nothing more than a cable television entrepreneur with easy access to campaign capital.

Joe Lieberman is muscular on national defense, assertive in foreign policy, genuinely liberal on social and economic matters, but not heavy-handed on regulatory issues. He marched for civil rights and is committed to an equal opportunity agenda with reasonable results. He has qualms about affirmative action. He is appalled by the abysmal standards of our popular culture. But he is courageous - and courage is a rare trait in politicians. It is an extinct trait in the Democratic Party. If Ned Lamont wins the election in November, the Democrats will lose the future - and deservedly so. The Liberal wackos are the pile of cow dung.


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