Friday, December 01, 2006

Liberals Backoff from Troop Reduction Demands

Less than a month after gaining a majority in both the U.S. House and Senate (by exploiting anti-war sentiment), the Liberal Democrats are backing off from demands to pull out of Iraq. The New York Times (and I use this source because it is blatantly Liberal) reported it this way: "...despite a Democratic election victory this month that was strongly based on anti-war sentiment, the idea of a major and rapid withdrawal seems to be fading as a viable option." How do you Liberal Democrats feel about having the wool pulled over your eyes?

What is most hilarious in this Liberal comedy is the obvious hypocrisy of the Iraq Commission Report. After painting a grim portrait of the War on Terrorism in an almost laughable fashion, the Report says that if we faithfully follow its recommendations, “terrorism will be dealt a blow, stability will be enhanced in an important part of the world, and America's credibility, interests and values will be protected.” Then the report presents the principal recommendation: Pull out all forces from the combat zone by early 2008, and turn the war over to the Iraqi army and police.

Are we to believe that a rag-tag Iraqi army is going to win a war the finest army on earth has all but lost? Is this what the Liberal idiots call “realism” in the War on Terrorism? Iraqi army units lack leadership... they lack equipment... they lack personnel... they lack logistics and support. The report also states: “The state of the Iraqi police is substantially worse than that of the Iraqi army...” Yet these are the folks (according to the Liberal wackos) who are going to win the war we could not win, after we depart? Is this not an insult to common sense?

Throughout the report there several inherent contradictions. The situation is “grave and deteriorating” but will get better if we pull our finest fighting forces out. Do the goons on the Commission think we are ALL stupid? Iraq is “vital to regional and global stability” and is even “critical” to interests, but if Maliki shirks his responsibility, we should pull the rug out from under him. The Commission is nothing more than a political stunt - a stunt that backfired on the Liberal cut-n-runners. But the biggest giveaway of Liberal hypocrisy is this: “An Iraqi army trained by Americans can win a war that Americans could not.”


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