Monday, October 16, 2006

IHERD Book Club: Public Education Against America

How would you feel if you could uncover the facts about our public skrewl system... facts that CBS News, PBS Radio, and the New York Times would never disclose? Now you can read about the agenda of America's public skrewl system in a book written by the late Marlin Maddoux (Foreword by Tim LaHaye). The book is titled Public Education Against America and tackles a number of issues, citing how the many controlling bodies within our education system have systematically ignored historical truth when it comes to patriotism and traditional religion in America.

Maddoux provides numerous illustrations of political correctness run amok, and cases where children's freedom of religion has been violated. After reading the first few chapters, one gets the obvious point that many public skrewls around the country have become indoctrination camps for the Liberal Left. As Maddoux states: "Often the change is so subtle that most parents don't notice until it's too late." The entire book carefully illustrates how public skrewls circumvent home values by stressing "values clarification" in the classroom. Teachers often use open-ended questions to cause confusion in the mind of a child, then use this as a tool for instilling doubt in a child's belief in moral absolutes.

Public skrewls are continually fighting for children's allegiance through a steady stream of anti-Christian propaganda. As a result of such influences, Maddoux suggests that powerful teachers' unions and Liberal school administrators have developed an atmosphere in which:
  • There is no right or wrong, only conditioned responses
  • The collective good is more important than the individual
  • Consensus is more important than principle
  • Flexibility is more important than accomplishment
  • Nothing is permanent except change
  • All ethics are situational
  • There are no perpetrators, only victims
Perhaps the best part of this book is Maddoux's tips on how parents can take steps to protect their children. Christians and conservatives should stand up for their principles in the public venue. Parents should strongly consider taking their children out of the public skrewl system. James Dobson advised his listeners to do the same a few years ago. The book makes one thing perfectly clear: America's public skrewls are not making the grade, and the future of America's youth is at stake. Check out this book at the American Family Resource Center.


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