Monday, October 02, 2006

Hijacked Democrat Grass Roots Feel No Empowerment

The mainstream Democrats have been hijacked. Outspoken members of the Liberal Left (such as poster boy Michael Moore) have derailed the true Democratic Party platform. Two months ago, Michael Moore issued a political death threat to the mainstreamers in the Democrat Party: "To every Democratic Senator and Congressman who continues to back Bush's War, allow me to inform you that your days in elective office are numbered. If you don't believe me, give Joe Lieberman a call." This is just a tiny sample of what passes for political energy in the Liberal wacko blogosphere.

In short, Moore is saying the Democratic Party needs to stick a finger down its throat and purge all the poisonous traitors and "moderate" members of the Leadership Council from its gut. Apparently, there was no better place to start than in Connecticut with a hearty upchuck of Joe Lieberman. Senator Lieberman's response on CNN was simply "I don't want these folks (those educated in the public skrewl should read this as Liberal wackos) to take over my Party..." It's too late, Joe. The wackos have stolen every shred of grass roots empowerment. The Liberal wackos have become the Democratic mainstream.

This is great news for the Republicans. The nation as a whole is able to recognize Liberal stupidity. The Democrats are now between a political rock and a hard place. To win a general election, they must somehow convince the nation that they are serious about strong national defense and can operate with adult temperament. The good news here is that even sane members of the traditional left see the impossible dilemma. Martin Peretz stated it succinctly in the Wall Street Journal (August 7): "If people like Ned Lamont win the general election, the Democratic Party will lose the future!"

Never has a political party won anything big by moving left, and then further left. That is exactly what the Democratic Party is doing. They have no forward vision whatsoever. They have no plan. They have no agenda they can be honest about. They must continually live behind a mask. Look for Hillary Rodham to continue changing masks several times during the next two years. She's going to listen to Michael Moore and the pundits who have hijacked her Party. The intelligent American voter will recognize her lack of direction and keep her away from the White House in 2008. Even as I celebrate today, I can't help but feel sorry for the Democratic grass roots.


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