Saturday, October 14, 2006

Big Liberal Lie: Global Warming Brings World Destruction

While we're on the subject of globalism this week, let's talk about one of the Liberal Left's convenient lies. I am sick of hearing the constant lies about global warming. Algore and his Liberal puppets have not been telling the whole truth: There is no scientific proof that global warming exists - and An Inconvenient Truth was just a Liberal money-making scheme gone awry. Yes, our planet goes through temperature changes. Even an eighth grade physical science student could understand that fact - unless he attended a public skrewl.

What the environmental wackos don't understand is that temperature changes have been part of the master plan since Genesis 1:1 (more precisely, Genesis 1:14). The inescapable truth is that earth's inhabitants have no affect on the temperature of our planet. If we did, where would the outrage be over global cooling? Never heard of this term, have you? Humans did not create the temperature cycle; therefore, humans cannot change the temperature cycle. It is prideful to think that we can! We can no more make it cooler during this cycle than we can heat the entire earth on the coldest days of winter.

By the way, have you been keeping up with the weather lately? (For the residents of South Florida, weather is something the rest of us face every day) A rare October snowstorm left parts of the Great Lakes and Midwest blanketed with 2 feet of snow this morning, prompting widespread blackouts, closing schools and stranding travelers. This heavy snow set the record for the "snowiest" October day in Buffalo in the weather service's 137-year history. You usually hear numbers like that associated with global warming. Detroit broke a record set in 1909. Chicago beat a mark from 1972. Today's snowstorm is not an isolated incident. The same storms have been happening for years.

Let me ask you - how many people are in freezing cold Buffalo saying, "Wow, this must be global cooling!" None - and I ask why not? The answer is because there's no unnecessary hysteria out there about global cooling. But as soon as it's a few degrees above normal in New York, how many people would be screaming, "This is all about global warming!" Bunch of idiots! The only reason you are hysterical is because you've bought into the great Liberal Lie about global warming. It's a lie that's intended to scare you... and make more money for the Liberal wackos. You wouldn't imagine going without heat this winter, would you? Put another log on the fire - it's going to be a cold one!


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