Wednesday, October 11, 2006

New Book: Global Revival and the Coming Persecution

We've all heard the cliche about the red-headed stepchild... the one person in the family who needed to be put away because he was an embarassment. It's the Liberal Left who has attempted to brainwash the weak-minded into thinking that the United States is the world's red-headed stepchild. As a result of the brainwashing, we've lost our American pride. I rarely ever see the "Made with American Pride" labels on my clothes anymore. The Liberal wackos would have us believe that Americans have gotten lazy. After 9/11 there was a tremendous surge of American unity and pride. Where are we now?

The question I would like to pose is "Would the world be better off if more countries were LIKE America?" What does LIKE America mean? Can we answer that politically? The answer is YES - the world would be better off if every nation were a Representative Democracy. The Liberal idiots even twist the meaning of that, my Conservative friend. Can we answer that economically? The answer is YES - the world would be better off if the people of every nation could toil for their own gain. I call it Free Market Capitalism, my friend. And the Liberal wackos twist that. Can we answer that spiritually? The answer is YES - the world would be better off if every nation had true freedom of religion.

Americans are the most giving people on the planet. All of the Americans I work beside contribute to charities that support people in third-world countries. I have been on mission work in the Southeast United States. I have been on mission work in Mexico. Is there anyone coming to America from Russia or China to share the gospel with my neighbors? The problem is that America is becoming more LIKE other countries than LIKE itself. We are losing our Representative Democracy and heading toward Benevolent Dictatorship. We are losing our Free Market Capitalism and heading toward government ownership. And we are losing our Freedom of Religion and heading toward radical persecution.

The world needs more Americans. We need to put more missionaries on foreign soil. We need to share the gospel with our neighbors. I am working on a new book, my Conservative friend. I have titled it Global Revival and the Coming Persecution. Recent world events not only in Iraq but also in North Korea, Iran, and Pakistan will shape our political and economic future. Leaders of the true Church are sensing an oncoming persecution. We must confront this persecution. If we face it, it will bring revival like we have never seen in America! As Americans we can respond. This is my America. I am an American. And because I am an American, I can help to spread the gospel.


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