Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Democrats Back Off from Hillary Rodham's Campaign

It was a great question! Someone in Iowa wanted to know how Hillary Rodham would respond to those who doubted her ability to deal with America's enemies. Hillary's rather humorous answer: "What in my background equips me to deal with evil and bad men?" The crowd exploded in laughter. Since news of Hillary's great dodge leaked out to non-Iowa residents, there has been much speculation about her reference. Could she have been talking about her husband der Slickmeister?

"Oh, come on. I don't think anybody in there thought that. I thought I was funny. I get a little funny... and now I'm being psychoanalyzed." Absolutely, your royal highness -- you ARE being psychoanalyzed!! Welcome to the 2008 campaign! Regardless of your non-answer, we still think the butt of your joke was the Slickster... and your reference overshadowed any other comments you made during that appearance.

Prepare to be psychoanalyzed, Queen Hillary! Those of us who believe you are the embodiment of Liberal evil look forward to the results of the analysis during the next two years. In the family of Clinton, you are the Liberal one, you are the flaming feminist, you are the supporter of bigger government. You try to paint yourself as a mainstream moderate, but there are thinking Americans who see you for what you are. But please, continue to paint yourself into a corner... We know you have some convincing to do with your Liberal friends in Washington.

Here's a psychological question: Did you stick with your husband through the Monica Lewinsky mess out of loyalty or out of ambition? Loyalty is understandable. Ambition points to a person who is difficult. Your Liberal friends are not concerned with your ideology, but about your personality. Ask yourself this psychological question: Why don't my Liberal friends trust me? Let me help you out with a clue -- they know what kind of person you are.

Monday, January 29, 2007

Bush Emerges as Centrist After State of the Union

The Bush Administration as we know it has come to an end. Clinton changed when the Republicans took over Congress in 1994... and we'll see something similar happen with Bush and his Administration before our very eyes. The right wing won't like it, but Bush must feel that now that the Republican base has failed to produce a GOP dominated Congress, he must wander to the center in search of higher approval ratings.

Why does Bush care... even though he's not running for re-election? He cares because no President can govern effectively with a 30 percent approval rating. He becomes a target for any stray pot shot from any member of Congress, former foe, or former friend. Regardless of his formal powers as Commander in Chief, he will find his wings clipped soon enough by a rebellious Congress, unless he can rally more than one-third of the nation to his cause. This is what Dick Morris believes about the next two years in the White House.

To stay in Iraq and to have any hope of victory - and to survive for the remaining two years of his Presidency - Bush must bring up his ratings. If it takes moving to the center to do it, that's just what he'll do. Bush signaled his new intention when he fired Rumsfeld and brought in Robert Gates to take his place. It also appears that he's retreating over the issue of NSA wiretaps - choosing to work with the FISA court to get warrants. This is a huge mistake!

The right will not like this new drift to the center any more than the left liked it when Bill Clinton did it in 1995. Bush will probably deny that anything of the sort is happening, just as Clinton did when he was in office. But don't expect any retreat on the core areas in which Bush remains personally deeply invested. His focus on victory in Iraq is as sharp as ever and his commitment to fighting terror abroad and promoting pro-life values at home will remain intact.