Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Lou Dobbs Explains the Amnesty Bill Provisions (Part 2)

But wait... there's more!!
  • LEGAL STATUS AFTER 24 HOURS: Illegal aliens would get legal status just one day after their application is filed, even if the background check isn't completed. And it will NOT be completed in nearly every instance!
  • YOU WILL BE PAYING FOR ALL THE LAWYERS: Taxpayers will be paying for the immigration attorneys to represent illegal aliens. How's that for a deal?
  • PERMANENT "TEMPORARY" VISAS: Supporters of this legislation called the new "Z visas" for illegal aliens "temporary." What they don't want to tell you is that the new visas can be renewed indefinitely!
  • AMNESTY FOR GANG MEMBERS: Illegal alien gang members — of which the Heritage Foundation estimates there are at least 30,000 in 33 states — are also eligible for amnesty. All they have to do is say they don't want to be a gang member anymore, and bingo, they get amnesty!
  • YOU WILL HELP PAY FOR MEXICANS TO STAY IN MEXICO: The federal government will use taxpayer money — YOUR money — to help the Mexican government provide enough incentives (like a decent education and health care) for Mexican citizens to stay in their country.
  • NO BACK TAXES: Under this legislation, illegal aliens won't have to pay those cumbersome, nasty taxes. Don't you wish WE CITIZENS could grab hold of this opportunity?
  • FAST TRACK FOR NORTH AMERICAN UNION: A proposed new "Security and Prosperity Partnership," the North American union, which would effectively ERASE borders among the United States, Mexico and Canada, would be given top priority in this legislation.

Monday, June 25, 2007

Lou Dobbs Explains the Amnesty Bill Provisions

Lou Dobbs explained the provisions of the Amnesty Bill on one of his recent broadcasts. Rep. John Boehner has it right - this bill is a piece... We must work to defeat Amnesty for the future of America. Eisenhauer did a good thing in the 1950s - and we CAN do it again!!
  • BORDER SECURITY IS NOT FIRST: We can't even find out what border security has to do with this legislation. It is all about AMNESTY, and the proposed 800-mile-plus fencing on our southern border could be slashed to just 200 MILES!
  • TUITION FOR ILLEGAL ALIENS: This legislation incorporates the so-called "DREAM Act" that gives in-state tuition to illegal aliens — a benefit, of course, DENIED to American citizens.
  • CUTTING IN LINE: Illegal aliens will, under the terms of this legislation, also be able to cut in front of everyone who's been waiting for years in their own countries for admission to the United States legally. Too bad for people who actually follow the law, right?
  • AMNESTY FOR FUGITIVES: This bill will also grant amnesty for illegal aliens who were ordered deported!
  • COURTS SHUT DOWN: Our immigration courts could effectively be shut down with this legislation, as judges must close any immigration proceeding and allow illegal aliens to apply for amnesty.
  • ENGLISH NOT REQUIRED: Learning English is not required until the ninth year of amnesty!
  • TAX CREDITS FOR ILLEGALS: Illegal aliens don't have to pay back taxes, but they will be eligible for the earned income tax credit — a tax credit designed to help this country's hard-working CITIZENS!

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Who's Behind the Big Global Warming Scam?

With the war on terrorism going on in Iraq... and gas prices creeping up to more than $3.00 per gallon... and wetbacks invading our country by the thousands every week... the biggest scam going on around the world is not money for oil or free healthcare for illegal immigrants. The biggest scam is global warming!! Algore is perpetrating a fraud on the American public like nothing else we've ever experienced... and the lunatics in Hollyweird have bought the lie completely. Some are even perpetuating the lie despite knowing the truth.

We call these perpetrators the Agenda Scientists. In sharp contrast, the real scientists have been forced into the underground by financial pressure and other means of coercion - including death threats. This fact alone tells me the Agenda Scientists don't want me to know the truth. But to find the truth (without allusion to the X-Files), you've got to connect with the science community that's been forced to the underground. This community is led by respected scientists from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), the Earth System Science Center (ESSC), and the Pasteur Institute in Paris.

As both sides (the liars and the true scientists) debate the issue, it becomes clear that the proponents of global warming have no real scientific evidence to support their claims. It becomes clear that they only want to silence true science... in an effort to be the only ones heard on the subject. I urge you to keep up with the debate... to take a serious look at the frauds who are perpetrating the lie on the American public. Take a look at the mounting evidence in the realm of true science. And consider the biblical account - because global warming is just as much of an attack on Christians as Islamic Extremists.

Eye on the World - Global Warming: The Cold, Hard Facts - Global Warming (ERLC)